Hitman Is Video Gaming's Greatest Thrill

The Hitman series is famous for its Rube Goldberg-style assassination plots, and is sold as a cold and calculating murder game, but most of my time spent in Hitman 3 has been with my heart in my mouth, which I mean in all the best ways.Read more

Lara, You're Drunk

When Core Design and Eidos Interactive were getting ready to ship Tomb Raider III in 1998, they recruited Lara Croft herself to promote the game. The resulting animation was...something else.Read more

OBRAZEM: 25 let s herní sexbombou Larou Croft

Od vydání prvního dílu série Tomb Raider letos uběhne 25 let. Za tu dobu jeho hrdinka Lara Croft dokázala, že je daleko víc než jen „Indiana Jones s prsama“, přesto zůstává ikonou herního průmyslu. Podívejte se na její pozvolný vývoj v naší rozsáhlé galerii

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