Quick Resume Is Working For More Xbox Series X Games

Microsoft is slowly starting to roll out more Quick Resume support on Xbox Series X|S again, after it took the supposedly signature next-gen feature offline for some games right before the console’s launch last month. This is according to Xbox director of program management Jason Ronald.Read more

Are You Going To Play Cyberpunk 2077?

It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning question. Then, we ask your take.Read more

How To Clean Up Your PS5’s Newsfeed

Like an untamed Instagram feed, the PlayStation 5 sometimes gives you updates about things you don’t care about. When you tap the PS button, you’ll see an “official news” card, which lists a handful of news blips—trailers, announcements, that sort of thing—about “your games.” Most of the games...

The Original Fire Emblem Is A Weird Game For The Switch To End Its Year On

I’ve spent the last week, in odd moments here and there, helping Fire Emblem’s Prince Marth search for a legendary sword and defeat the forces of darkness to rescue his kingdom from an evil wizard. Throughout all of it, in good times and bad, one question kept bubbling up to the surface: why?Read...

30 Hours With Cyberpunk 2077 Brings Mixed Feelings

Cyberpunk 2077, the most recent game from Witcher developer CD Projekt Red, was first announced in 2012. In the last couple years, it’s had an onslaught of hype and dripfed information, most of which I’ve ignored. The developers have promised unlimited freedom, unparalleled graphics, and cameos...

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