Hey Agent 47, Slow Down On The Stairs, You Could Hurt Someone

I’ve been putting a bunch of time into Hitman 3 since it launched a few weeks ago. It’s very good, if a little too heavy on storytelling, but I can’t help but cringe a little every time I’m asked to follow an NPC up or down a flight of stairs.Read more

The Best Console Games You Can Buy For Under $15 This Week

It seems like every retailer decided to have a massive video game sale this week. Whether you’re looking for physical copies or prefer to download digital versions, we’ve assembled a round-up of the best console games on sale for less than $15 this week. (There are plenty of games on sale for more...

When QAnon Blows Up Your Friend Group

My ex was the first person to tell me about Q. This was near the end of 2016, and we were in the beginning stages of our relationship. I took it as us having the same, passive interest in conspiracy theories. The kind of interest where you go, “LOL sounds like a Dan Brown novel!” I laughed it...

I Want IO's Upcoming 007 Game To Be Just Like Hitman's Train Level

The final level of Hitman 3 is an exciting and aggressive fight that moves across the length of a long cargo train filled with bad guys and guns. It’s also a bad Hitman level, but it might be our first sign of what an IO Interactive 007 game might look and play like. And that has me excited. Read...

Would You Ever Get A Video Game Tattoo?

It’s Monday and time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku-ites deliberate on a single burning question. Then, we ask your take.Read more

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