Decades Later, Sailor Saturn's Transformation Scene Appears In Anime
For well over two decades, we haven’t seen the henshin shiin (変身シーン) or “transformation scene” from Sailor Moon’s Sailor Saturn in an anime. That is, it seems, until now.Read more
Track: Mitainakoto | Artist: Yonige | Album: Kenzen Na Shakai
Track: Mitainakoto | Artist: Yonige | Album: Kenzen Na ShakaiRead more
Fantastická Forza Horizon 4 vyjde v březnu na Steamu
Toto je video k třicátému výročí Blizzardu
Krvavý Blood Bowl v srpnu dostane pokračování
It's 2021, And Super Mario 64 Now Has Ray Tracing
You might think that marrying mid-90s textures to 21st-century lighting tricks would look hideous, but this video of the Super Mario 64 PC port is looking very nice.Read more
Horizon Zero Dawn Can Run In 72p And It Looks Beautiful
While most folks will gravitate towards the top end of the graphics settings for a game, there’s something to be said for heading for the bottom, just to see what it looks like. Especially when a modern blockbuster 4K game can be played at a resolution of just 256x144.Read more
Another Good Actor Has Somehow Signed Up For The Borderlands Movie
Halloween and Christmas with the Kranks star Jamie Lee Curtis joins Cate Blanchett and Kevin Hart as the latest actor to be cast in the upcoming Borderlands movie, Collider reports (h/t Variety).Read more
Nioh 2's PC Release Has Some Bad News And Good News
The bad news first: Nioh 2 Complete Edition on PC, out last week, is optimised pretty terribly, and has weird bugs, like the game’s keyboard + mouse control method being almost unusable since the on-screen prompts still only appear for a controller.Read more
How To Make Sure You’re Playing The PS5 Version Of A PlayStation Game
Following recent updates for Destiny 2, Control, and the terrific Nioh games, PlayStation 5 owners are in a golden age of cross-gen games. But, if you’re not careful, you could very well end up playing the PlayStation 4 version of a cross-gen game on your PS5. The horror!Read more
Vylepšená trilogie Mass Effect bude krotit záběry kamer na pozadí hrdinky
Zatímco se Legendary Edition trilogie Mass Effect nese zejména ve znamení grafických vylepšení, autoři také ladili i kameru během konverzací. Byly zde totiž nevhodné záběry na pozadí jedné z postav nebo na samotnou hrdinku hry
Hey Agent 47, Slow Down On The Stairs, You Could Hurt Someone
I’ve been putting a bunch of time into Hitman 3 since it launched a few weeks ago. It’s very good, if a little too heavy on storytelling, but I can’t help but cringe a little every time I’m asked to follow an NPC up or down a flight of stairs.Read more