A Very Cool Idea For A New Assassin's Creed Game

From the earliest days of the Assassin’s Creed series, certain elements of the fanbase have been insufferable with their ideas—and demands—for new settings and time periods for the games to take place in.Read more

Halo: Infinite Is Now Playable In Third-Person

While Halo: Infinite is a first-person game by design, that doesn’t mean, like so many other games designed to be played a certain way, we can’t play it another way if we want.Read more

The Giant Gaming Leak That Keeps Getting Vindicated

Last September, a massive list of potential PC games leaked through Nvidia’s GeForce Now video game streaming service and was posted online. At the time, no one quite knew what to make of it. Was it insider info or speculative placeholders? Now evidence is mounting that at least some of the leak...

Sony Goes Big On Epic Games With Whopping $1 Billion Investment

Epic Games recently announced an epic new wave of fundraising, notable both for the $2 billion it’s pulled in and for an eye-raising firm present among the leading partners: Sony. The makers of PlayStation VR have invested a cool $1 billion in Epic to further “the development of new digital...

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