Two Point Campus, Now On Game Pass, Is A Chill Time For Everyone

College management sim Two Point Campus, which just came out on pretty much every gaming platform and Xbox Game Pass, is the sequel to 2018’s Two Point Hospital. Both games use an identical art style, similar UI, and contain the same mix of zany, weird sight gags and jokes. But while Hospital...

Half-Life 2 Will Soon Be Playable In VR

After years in development, and loads of ups and downs along the way, the developers of a virtual reality mod for the original Half-Life 2 have announced a public beta that’ll be kicking off next month.Read more

Very Bad Forspoken Ad Gets Absolutely Roasted

Earlier this week the marketing team behind Square Enix’s upcoming action game Forspoken posted a Tweet with a few sales bullet points and a short gameplay video. It should have been a very normal and forgettable exercise in video game promotion, but readers, I am here to tell you that this video...

Podávat žaloby je dobrý byznys, tvrdí autoři populární videohry

Společnost Bungie, která provozuje střílečku Destiny 2, v posledních měsících podala sérii žalob, v nichž požaduje mnohamilionová odškodnění. Právní poradce společnosti Don McGowan v rozhovoru pro magazín Axios bez okolků přiznal, že se jim tento nekompromisní způsob boje proti nechtěným členům...

$30 Humble Bundle Bags You A Shitton Of Resident Evil Games

Sometimes Humble Bundle just comes along with virtually an entire franchise of games for the cost of less than one, making it hard to avoid the siren’s song of that “purchase” link. Today, with Humble’s “Decades of Horror” bundle, that franchise is Capcom’s Resident Evil. How would you like to...

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