Eight Very Convincing Reasons To Make Better Video Game Horses

There are two reasons I am posting about this list called “8 Common Horse Mistakes I Want Game Developers to Stop Making”. Number one, it’s a good list. Number two, it comes from a video game horse-themed website called The Mane Quest.Read more

The Best Strategy Games On PC

The PC is home to just about every type of video game under the sun, but few are as quintessentially PC as strategy games.Read more

Modders Finally Add Wall-Running To Apex Legends

Know what the coolest thing about Titanfall was? Piloting spritely, giant robots. Know what the second coolest thing was? Being able to run along the walls. So it has long been very strange that Apex Legends, a game set in the same universe as Titanfall, has allowed you to do neither of those...

Fanoušek vytvořil model Titanicu do české Mafie. Trvalo mu to patnáct let

Díky amatérskému vývojáři Robinu Bongaartsovi a jeho kolegům můžete v kultovní české hře Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven z roku 2002 nově navštívit i proslulý parník Titanic. Přestože jeho detailní vymodelování trvalo dlouhých patnáct let, je v tuto chvíli stále jen prázdnou kulisou

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