Halo Infinite's Ranked Multiplayer Is Depressing Right Now

Ranked is never for the weak at heart, but usually, that’s because you have to contend with a bunch of tryhards just like you. In Halo Infinite, however, I don’t rage at my teammates or my performance nearly as much as I do the actual mode itself.Read more

Bowser Agrees To Pay Nintendo $10 Million In Hacking Lawsuit

Gary “GaryOPA” Bowser pleaded guilty to federal piracy charges in October. Now he’s agreed to pay Nintendo a massive $10 million settlement for his reported role in designing and selling devices to circumvent Switch security measures as part of Team Xecuter.Read more

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 bude pořádný macek, z HDD si ukousne 180 GB

Chystané pokračování postapokalyptické střílečky S.T.A.L.K.E.R. bude jedním z největších taháků příštího roku, tomu však odpovídá i jeho velikost. Majitelé nových xboxů si budou muset uvolnit na disku téměř 200 GB volného prostoru

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