Rabbits Won’t Stop Jumping In Front Of My Fucking Horse

With the release of the PlayStation 5, I’ve taken the opportunity to go back and play through a few games from the previous generation to see how they take advantage of the new console. One of those games is Rockstar’s western epic Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s great fun, but I can’t help but wonder...

Cyberpunk 2077 On Ultra Low Settings Looks Like Pixel Hell

Continuing the fine work he’s done on previous games like The Witcher 3, the LowSpecGamer has picked up Cyberpunk, dropped all the settings to low and then gone further, poking around in the game’s code to turn one of the year’s most visually demanding titles into a blurry shitstain.Read more

RECENZE: Obrovská očekávání se podařilo naplnit, Cyberpunk 2077 je famózní

Po intenzivní reklamní masáži, osmi letech vývoje a nespočtu odkladů byla očekávání od Cyberpunku 2077 obrovská, vývojářům se je přesto takřka všechna podařilo naplnit. Ani drobné technické nedodělky nedokážou zabránit tomu, že tu máme horkého kandidáta na titul hry roku. Pokud ji tedy nechcete...

Our Favorite Comic Moments of 2020

While 2020 posed more than its fair share of significant challenges for virtually everyone working within the entertainment industry, comics in particular stood as an example of creative teams adapting on the fly—and doing their damndest to keep telling compelling stories at a time when people...

GOG Bails On Selling Taiwanese Horror Game Devotion

In February of last year Devotion, a Taiwanese horror game, was pulled from Steam after a controversy regarding a hidden Easter egg. Today GOG, the online PC gaming store run by CD Projekt, announced it would be selling Devotion. Then, hours later, declared it would not.Read more

What's New on Netflix in January 2021

For someone who spends a lot of time cursing nostalgia culture and lamenting the fact that the vast majority of new entertainment—from movies to Broadway musicals—seems to exist only to milk a little bit more money out of some valuable IP, I sure do love Netflix’s Cobra Kai. Based on the 1980s...

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