Total War: Rome Remastered Comes Out April 29
Rome: Total War, one of the best Total War games ever made, is getting a much-needed remastering developed by Feral Interactive. This new and improved version of the game will be released on April 29 on Steam. Read more
Koncem dubna vyjde strategie Total War: ROME REMASTERED
Biomutant ukazuje bojový systém
Smell Ya Later: Aden Candles Are 25% off at Huckberry
25% off Aden Candles | HuckberryRead more
Civ-Style Strategy Game Humankind Delayed To August
Humankind, the next 4X strategy game from the makers of Endless Space and Endless Legend, has been delayed until the summer, Amplitude Studios announced today.Read more
How To Sign Up For The ‘Xbox Insider’ Program
Yesterday, Microsoft announced that party chat, previously only available to members of Xbox Live Gold, will soon be free to all Xbox players. The company revealed the news in a tweet with phrases like “Alpha,” “Alpha Skip-Ahead,” and “flighting.” Meanwhile, an accompanying blog post featured...
Strategie Humankind se odkládá na srpen
Record Your Road Incidents Discretely With Aukey's DRS1 4K Dash Cam, Now $96
Aukey DRS1 4K Dash Cam | $96 | Amazon | Promo code KINJADRS1Read more
Xbox Controllers Now Come In Tasty Limeade And Cherry Camo
Microsoft calls them Electric Volt and Daystrike Camo, but that’s not important. What is important is there are two new Xbox wireless controllers coming out next month, both sporting candy-colored analog sticks I want to chew right out of their housings. Read more
Isonzo ztvární konflikt na Soči, jedno z nejhorších bojišť 1. světové války
Chystaná multiplayerová střílečka Isonzo zpracuje dosud ve hrách opomíjený střet z první světové války. Během dvou let na takzvané sočské frontě zemřelo víc než milion lidí
Former Nintendo Of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé Leaving GameStop Board Of Directors
Serving on GameStop’s board of directors was just one of long time video game executive Reggie Fils-Aimé’s post-Nintendo of America pastimes, but less than a year into his tenure the company announced it expects him to step down in June.Read more
Get Resident Evil 3, Devil May Cry V, and More in This Huge Xbox Capcom Sale
Xbox Capcom Sale | NeweggRead more