Hry, na které se v roce 2021 nejvíce těšíme

Pochmurný rok 2020 je za námi, přišel proto čas podívat se, jaké herní pecky můžeme očekávat během roku 2021. Na které kousky se nejvíce těšíte vy, nám napište do diskuze

Carto’s Cozy Puzzles Are Just Tough Enough

Ask people which superpower they’d want, and you’ll likely hear the same answers. Flight. Super-strength. Invisibility. You’re less likely to hear about the unusual ones—say, the ability to literally reshape the planet to fit your needs. Such an ability is the crux of Carto, a cozy adventure game...

How I Gave In To Temptation And Started Boosting In World of Warcraft Classic

Months ago, I wrote an elegy for the lost traditions of World of Warcraft Classic for Kotaku. After a long hype cycle touting it as a perfect recreation of the game’s provincial culture in the mid-2000s—those halcyon days before it was thoroughly brutalized by Blizzard’s egalitarian approach...

What Are Your Video Game Resolutions For 2021?

Gaming resolutions? Well, I’m hoping to really go all in on 4K for...Hold on. What’s that? Ah, my editor tells me we more or less cracked this exact joke last year. And that it’s bad. And that I should feel bad. (I regret nothing.)Read more

The Best Things We Paid Real Money for in 2020

For better or for worse, in many ways, 2020 was defined by capitalism, a system unprepared to provide as many hospital beds as there are sick people during a pandemic. Or PPE gear to health care workers exposed to those sick people. Or even face masks to those ordinary people just trying to shop...

The State Of The Sims 4 In 2020

We are six years into The Sims 4, and with 2021 around the corner, it will be exciting to see what’s next from this franchise. But before we enter a new year, I want to reflect on the best and worst aspects of Sims 4 content this year. The main game has improved in some subtle yet excellent ways...

Nathan Grayson's Top 10 Games Of 2020 (That Aren't From 2020)

Wow, what’s a year it’s been. I memorized the pattern of tiny paint bubbles on the wall behind my computer monitor. I also re-watched the same three TV shows one thousand times. I’ve become convinced that the outside world is a hologram, and I’m about to embark on a lucrative YouTube career...

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