Chystá se třetí díl skvělého Puzzle Questu, bude free 2 play

Téměř po deseti letech od druhého dílu se mohou fanoušci série Puzzle Quest těšit na další plnohodnotný díl. Jedinou vadou na kráse nečekaného oznámení je fakt, že autoři mění distribuční model a chystají se vydělávat na mikrotransakcích

505 Games Announces Puzzle Quest 3, Coming Out This Year

Earlier this month, publisher 505 Games acquired Infinity Plus Two, the Australian studio that created the hybrid match-three/RPG series Puzzle Quest. This morning 505 Games announces Puzzle Quest 3, a free-to-play sequel that takes place 500 years after the original. Read more

The Jews waited 4,000 years... for Crisco?

Any Jew will tell you that it’s hard to be a Jew, and that includes the Jews who arrived in America from Eastern Europe in the early 20th century. Yes, they were no longer persecuted or subjected to pogroms. Yes, they had religious freedom in the golden land of opportunity. And yes, they no longer...

New Mod Brings Another Massive Chunk Of Skyrim To 2002's Morrowind

The main Elder Scrolls series consist of five games released across nearly two decades, and as a result the game’s fans have spent much of that time modding pieces of the older games into the newer ones. Or in this case modding parts of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim into the now ancient third game...

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