Cyberpunk 2077: The Kotaku Review

It’s been two weeks since Cyberpunk 2077 officially released. In my initial impressions, I wrote that I was ready for everyone—developer CD Projekt Red, the studio’s PR people, fans—to stop talking about the game and just let me play it. I’ve been playing steadily since before launch, but weeks...

John Walker’s Top 10 Games Of 2020

The eternally burning tire fire that is 2020 hasn’t exactly been a laugh riot. And yet, as I reflect on what have been some of the most gruelling times I can remember, it’s interesting how much video games have played a part in getting me through. As pure colorful distraction, or even daily...

The worst things on the internet in 2020

Look, even without COVID, 2020 was going to be garbage. It was an election year, for fuck’s sake, so a glut of unhinged political punditry was destined to clog up our social media feeds and needle our glazed eyeballs. In keeping with tradition, it all turned out to be even worse than we could have...

I Wanna Be The Guy Has Been Remastered

A group of fans have remastered I Wanna Be the Guy, improving the notoriously difficult platformer’s performance for those still willing to subject themselves to its dastardly tricks.Read more

Cyberpunk 2077’s Latest Patch Resolves The PC Save File Size Limit

It’s no secret that Cyberpunk 2077 is plagued by a raft of technical issues, particularly on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Today, CD Projekt Red released another hotfix for the troubled game, aiming to address some of those issues, including the seemingly arbitrary filesize limit placed on...

20 Years Later I’m Still Thinking About The Bouncer

Sometimes a piece of pop culture worms its way into your brain, builds a comfortable, cost-efficient home in your cerebral cortex, and lives there happily for decades on end. My own tenant is The Bouncer, an odd beat ‘em up by Square Soft, which came out in Japan 20 years ago today before fading...

The Biggest Video Game Surprises Of 2020

Every year, we run down the best annual surprises from the world of video games. Needless to say, 2020 was not like previous years. That’s why, this year, we’re reorienting our annual tradition to focus on the biggest—not necessarily the best—ones.Read more

Happy Holidays, Everyone

Here’s a 12-hour, 4K yule log in the style of Hades, courtesy of Supergiant Games:Read more

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