Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Remake Pushed Back To March 18
The upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake won’t be able to make its original January 2021 release window, developer Ubisoft announced today. It will now arrive on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 18, 2021.Read more
Cyberpunk 2077 Causes Seizure, Doesn’t Contain Warning
Game Informer associate editor Liana Ruppert reported yesterday that she suffered a grand mal seizure while playing a review copy of Cyberpunk 2077, due to the game’s use of various flashing visual effects. She wrote an article for the site advising players on how to avoid similar experiences...
Immortals: Fenyx Rising is Out Now and You Can Get it for $40 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox Already
Immortals: Fenyx Rising (PS4 ) | $40 | AmazonImmortals: Fenyx Rising (Xbox ) | $40 | AmazonImmortals: Fenyx Rising (PS5 ) | $50 | AmazonImmortals: Fenyx Rising (Switch) | $50 | AmazonRead more
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands je nejrychleji prodávaná PC hra všech dob
Velmi slušný start si připsal datadisk Shadowlands pro MMORPG World of Warcraft. Podle Activision Blizzardu je to nejrychleji prodávaná PC hra všech dob
Podívejte se na nové záběry z Hitmana 3
Rhythmic Drumming Makes For Strange RPG Battles
Released last week for the Nintendo Switch, Taiko No Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack is a bundle of two Japanese role-playing games in which players bang a drum to get through random encounters and boss battles. It’s weird. Read more
Get Cuphead for $9 and Use the Extra Savings to Replace Your Keyboard After You Break it in Half
Cuphead | $9 | Eneba | Use code THEGAMEISVERYEASY Read more
You're Not a True Gamer Unless Your Mouse Lights Up I Guess, So Get a Logitech Gaming Mouse for $15
Logitech Lightsync Gaming Mouse | $15 | AmazonRead more
Nový Medal of Honor má obrovské hardwarové nároky
Autoři chystané střílečky pro virtuální realitu Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond šokovali fanoušky zveřejněním doporučených sestav. Tato hra opravdu nebude pro chudé
Artová akce El Shaddai míří na Steam
Crisis!! Super Street Fighter II Turbo Weird-Version Music Deathmatch!
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today, a knock-down, drag-out brawl to the death between two little-heard arranged versions of Capcom’s most enduring fighting game. Fight!Read more
How One Retailer Is Fighting PS5 Scalpers
In South Korea, game retailer Gamewoori has a banner that reads, “Pre-Order Now” next to images of the PS5. The PS5 launched there on November 12, but like everywhere supplies are tight and hopeful customers still must reserve consoles from future shipments.Read more