The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood DIY Tarot Deck Looks Just As Good As You Hoped
October is here and with it brings the sudden urge to revel in all things spooky. Thankfully, 2023’s deck-building visual novel The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood exists. The indie is an exceptional story about a coven of witches on the precipice of their own demise and is filled with beautiful character...
You can build your own Trezor but here’s the price: DIY wallet engineer
An electronics design manager who made his own Trezor One has assessed the difficulty of building a DIY crypto wallet from scratch
What If Pong, But Really Long?
If you ever play me in Pong, you will win. Atari’s simple 1972 game is like Dark Souls-level hard to me; I’ve no idea how anyone can react that fast. But, finally, there might be a version of the game with a screen wide enough that I’d have time to respond. It’s currently located in the UK in...
Microsoft Now Sells Xbox Controller Replacement Parts
It is far too often the case that failed hardware components lead to unnecessary disposal. That means another expensive purchase for you and more stuff sitting in landfills for the Earth. Thankfully, Microsoft is now offering replacement parts and educational info for fixing tired and worn...
Want to Mine Bitcoin at Home? DIY Bitcoiners Have Stories to Share
From an ASIC-heated swimming pool to a handmade soundproof container, these die-hards found ways to make home mining feasible, if not quite profitable
Fortune Unicorn Club (FUC), the First DIY-Mint Method NFT Project, Has Won 2 Million in Funding in the ForChain Labs’ Seed Round
PRESS RELEASE. ForChain Labs was founded in April 2022 as a web 3 startup company. Meanwhile, the NFT project, Fortune Unicorn Club, was being developed. ForChain Labs has raised 2 million funds in its seed round and will use the funds to develop and operate Fortune Unicorn Club (FUC), the first...
Genius Hero-Man Rebuilds His PS5 To Less Than An Inch Wide
There is, inevitably, going to be a PS5 Slim. Not least because the current PS5 is the size and shape of a Dubai skyscraper, but because Sony always releases a thinner version of their consoles after a few years. But we’re at least a couple of years away from that, meaning we need instead to turn...
Valve Made Steam Deck Easy To Mod And Repair, And It’s Starting To Pay Off
As reported by The Verge over the weekend, the legendary repair advocates over at plan to offer essentially every part of the Steam Deck for sale, including the motherboard with its custom AMD chip. While word of this was undoubtedly exciting for Steam Deck fans, iFixit took to Twitter...
Man Makes Power Bank Able To Charge 5,000 Smartphones
YouTuber Handy Geng noticed that all his buddies had bigger power banks than his. “I’m not so happy with that,” he writes. It bothered him! He could not sleep. So Handy Geng decided to change that by building the biggest power bank of all. Handy Geng put his D.I.Y. skills to the test, welding...
ASRock DeskMeet je kompaktní DIY počítač slibující ohromný výkon
Společnost ASRock představila nové kompaktní počítače, které se budou prodávat jako verze „doplň si sám“, tedy bez většiny klíčových komponent.
Nová řada počítačů DeskMeet s objemem pouze 8 litrů je rozdělena na dvě varianty – B660 pro procesory Intel a X300 pro procesory od AMD. V případě B660
WarioWare: Get It Together!: The Kotaku Review
You are 12 years old and you are in the local Family Video. Your grandmother is picking up a movie and she has no idea what it is yet, so you have time. There is a room with several hundred video games. You have a used Xbox 360, filled with the half-remembered save files of its previous owner,...
Jak na pracovní zvedací stůl o bluetooth nemluvě
Jste zastánci metody DIY? Ukážu vám, jak jsem vyráběl unikátní pracovní stůl. I problémy, na které jsem narazil. Ale nakonec to za to stálo
The faces of 'the creator economy' for DIY games
Who are Core's top modders, and what are they making?
Po pandemické přestávce se opět vrací pražský Maker Faire. Ukažte svůj DIY projekt
Po pandemické přestávce se v půlce září opět chystá pražský Maker Faire, který už zná i první vystavovatele. A ti další z řad nadšenců do DIY a kutilství všeho druhu se mohou se svými projekty ještě rychle přihlásit, ať už je chtějí jen ukázat všem ostatním, nebo si troufnou i na přednášku a
V Praze se rodí další dílna pro kutily. Unikátní MultiLab skloubí profesionální výrobu s DIY makery
Praha dostane další kutilské doupě. České 3Dsimo v místě bývalých libeňských pražíren buduje svůj MulitLab. Na ploše bezmála 1 000 metrů čtverečních postupně nabídne farmu až padesáti 3D tiskáren, laserovou řezačku, CNC frézku, automatickou osazovačku součástek na PCB, pájecího robota a samozřejmě
How to Create an Appointment Scheduling Platform: DIY vs. Plugin vs. Trafft
When a client wants you to build an appointment scheduling system for them, how do you go about it? This post breaks down the 3 most popular options.
The post How to Create an Appointment Scheduling Platform: DIY vs. Plugin vs. Trafft appeared first on Codrops
Je tu Maker Faire Online: Dnes v 16:00 odstartuje festival kutilů a milovníků DIY
Budujete? Stavíte? Vylepšujete? Tisknete? Programujete? • Pak je Maker Faire přesně pro vás • Dnes a zítra se koná jeho česká online podoba
Bitcoiners Are Biohacking a DIY Coronavirus Vaccine
Anonymous bitcoiners are taking the search for a coronavirus vaccine into their own hands, bypassing academia, pharmaceutical firms and U.S. regulators
BusKill Is a DIY Tool to Lock Down Your Laptop
Operational security, or opsec, is key if you're using crypto exchanges. This new trick can make you a bit safer in a crowded cafe
Webové DIY editory rostou. Webnode učí svět, jak se má pečovat o jejich uživatele
Profesionální web vytvořený v cloudovém editoru byl ještě před pár lety spíše výjimkou. Dynamický rozvoj internetového prostředí se však promítl i do možností DIY editorů, které mají potenciál se stát budoucím standardem především pro okruh nově vznikajících projektů. Cloudové editory se vrací...