
Nalezeno "Merit": 60

Raketa Falcon 9 od SpaceX vynesla do vesmíru české čipy schopné měřit radiaci

Raketa Falcon 9 americké společnosti SpaceX do vesmíru vynesla také českou technologii. Konkrétně šlo o detekční čip Timepix od pražské firmy Advacam. Ten je základem detektoru HERA vyvinutého organizací NASA. Zařízení slouží k měření dávek radiace a určování směru, z něhož přichází. Advacam...

Merit Circle forges an alliance with Framework Ventures

Merit Circle has formed an exclusive partnership with Framework Ventures. This will allow them to expand their game network, benefiting founders and professionals while also generating value for the DAO. They will have a well-known fund in the form of $BEAM holders. The company has been associated...

Binance Arguments to Dismiss Lawsuit Lack Merit, SEC Argues In New Filing

Source: Adobe The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has opposed Binance’s arguments to dismiss the lawsuit adding that the motion has no real basis under law. In a Nov 8 court filing, the securities regulator claims the defendants applied the law incorrectly in an attempt...

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