
Nalezeno "form controls": 6

CSS ::file-selector-button

We all love beautifully styled form controls but, due to the differences between operating system displays, styling them can be painful. Due to that pain, we’ve created scores of libraries to mock these controls. Unfortunately that sometimes comes at the cost of accessibility, performance...

Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select Element

I want to introduce you to a new, experimental form control called <selectmenu>. We’ll get deep into it, including how much easier it is to style than a traditional <select> element. But first, let’s fill in some context … Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select...

onInput Event

Coding HTML forms has been painful my entire career. Form controls look different between operating systems and browsers, coding client side and server side validation is a nightmare, and inevitably you forget something somewhere along the line. Some behaviors don’t act the way you’d...

Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals

Ever since the dawn of time, humanity has dreamed of having more control over form elements. OK, I might be overselling it a tiny bit, but creating or customizing form components has been a holy grail of front-end web development … The post Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals...

Number Scrubbing

If you use <input type="number">, some browsers give you an input that has UI for incrementing the number, like up/down arrows (often called “spinners”). That’s a bit helpful sometimes. But people have certainly explored fancier ways of updating that number....

The Current State of Styling Selects in 2019

Best I could tell from the last time I compiled the most wished-for features of CSS, styling form controls was a major ask. Top 5, I'd say. And of the native form elements that people want to style, Greg Whitworth has some data that the <select> element is more requested than any other...

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