
Nalezeno "node.js": 16

How to Use window.crypto in Node.js

I’ve been writing a bunch of jest tests recently for libraries that use the underlying window.crypto methods like getRandomValues() and window.crypto.subtle key management methods. One problem I run into is that the window.crypto object isn’t available, so I need to shim it. To use...

Command Line trash

One of the first commands you learn when experimenting with command line is rm, the utility for deleting files and directories. Deletion is a core computer UI operation but operating systems use a “Trash” paradigm, where files are stored before truly deleted. With the rm utility...

Set a Default Node Version with nvm

As I’ve shown you in the past, nvm an excellent utility for switching between Node.js versions. Whether your host machine or CI, building and testing your apps on different Node versions is a necessity. I’ve recently found a few nvm commands that I found really useful during local...

Ryan stvořil Deno a bylo to dobré

S nadsázkou se dá prohlásit, že vzniku Deno vděčíme hryzavému svědomí Ryana Dahla, autora NodeJS. Za jedenáct let, které dělí první verzi NodeJS a první verzi Deno, se ve světě referenčního JavaScriptu událo mnohé. Následovník NodeJS je proto mnohými vítán

Simple Node.js Proxy

When I wanted to refresh my React.js skills, I quickly moved to create a dashboard of cryptocurrencies, their prices, and and other aspects of digital value. Getting rolling with React.js is a breeze — create-react-app {name} and you’re off and running. Getting the API working...

How to Create a QR Code

QR codes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I quite like them. If I see something I want to remember or check out later, especially when on the road, it’s super easy to take a quick picture — it’s much easier than trying to remember a URL and much faster than typing...

How to Not Minify Source with webpack

The webpack JavaScript utility has taken over the modern JavaScript landscape, so much so that it’s hard to be a JavaScript developer and not use it. JavaScript build utilities are the point where they do best practices implicitly, like minify code, caching, and more. I was recently debugging...

Stop Installing Packages Globally

These days, most front-end projects are going to involve NPM packages of some kind. Occasionally, when browsing documentation for these packages, I’ll see a recommendation to install a package like this. yarn global add <package> Or like this. npm install --global <package> In both...

Meet the Developer Who Added Schnorr Signatures to Bcash

This week spoke with Jonathan Gonzalez, the blockchain developer who is currently maintaining the Bcash project, a Bitcoin Cash full node written in node.js. Gonzalez explained how he got into Bitcoin Cash development and how he managed to get the Bcash node fully compatible with...

How to Detect Text in Images

Images are a great way to communicate without text but oftentimes images are used/abused to spread text within social media and advertisements. Text in images also presents an accessibility issue. The truth is that it’s important, for any number of reasons, to be able to detect text in image...

Používáme knihovnu Readability na serveru

Možná znáte Readability z reader-view v prohlížeči. Odstraní ze stránky přebytečný balast a zůstane jen dobře čitelný text. Stejný projekt lze s úspěchem použít i na serveru. Pojďme si ukázat, proč i servery potřebují dobře čitelné texty

Web<element> – první vydání fullstack konference

Jak to vlastně je s těmi full-stack vývojáři? Existují? Nebo jsou to jen urban legends? Ale víte co? Je to jedno. Ale co taková konfrence, která bude mít široký přesah? Tak na to odpověd máme v podobě prvního webelementu

Convert HTML to Markdown

One of my biggest mistakes with this blog was not finding a WordPress plugin that would allow me to write my posts with markdown; to this day I still need to write posts in &#8220;Visual&#8221; mode and then manually convert the post to HTML for &#8220;Text&#8221; mode.  One of these days I want...

Testovací trio Mocha, Chai a Sinon

Představíme vám testovací framework Mocha, knihovny Chai a Sinon. Ukážeme, k čemu slouží, a na co si dát pozor při jejich používání. Dále vysvětlíme, jak se pracuje s knihovnou Sinon, která slouží pro mockování/stubování a vytváření špiónů

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