Introducing Headless WordPress with Gatsby Cloud (Live Preview, Incremental Builds, and more!)
The Gatsby team shipped an update to its source plugin for WordPress, graduating it to a beta release. The new version brings a new set of features to Gatsby’s headless WordPress configuration, which brings together WPGraphQL and WPGatsby to power a Gatsby front-end that pulls in data from...
Automatically Rebase GitHub Pull Requests
Working on an open source project with a thriving contribution community is one of the great joys I have at Mozilla. In leading this charge, I get to meet amazing people of all different skill sets and interests, as well as different points of view. In the end I receive hundreds of pull requests...
A little bit of plain Javascript can do a lot
Julia Evans:
I decided to implement almost all of the UI by just adding & removing CSS classes, and using CSS transitions if I want to animate a transition.
An awful lot of the JavaScript on sites (that aren’t otherwise entirely constructed from JavaScript) is click the thing...
Octopus Scanner malware kompromituje projekty s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem pro GitHub
Tým GitHub Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) varoval před malwarovou kampaní, která se šíří na GitHub prostřednictvím kompromitovaných Java projektů. Existence kampaně vyšla najevo počátkem března, kdy bezpečnostní výzkumník kontaktoval tým o sadě úložišť, které aktivně slouží pro šíření...
Core Web Vitals
Core Web Vitals is what Google is calling a a new collection of three web performance metrics:
LCP: Largest Contentful Paint
FID: First Input Delay
CLS: Cumulative Layout Shift
These are all measurable. They aren’t in Lighthouse (e.g. the Audits tab in Chrome DevTools) just yet, but sounds...
Get Programmatic Control of your Builds with Netlify Build Plugins
Today at Jamstack_Conf, Netlify announced Build Plugins. What it does is allow you to have particular hooks for events within your build, like when the build starts or ends. What’s nice about them is that they’re just a plain ‘ol JavaScript object, so you can insert some logic...
Roll Your Own Comments With Gatsby and FaunaDB
If you haven’t used Gatsby before have a read about why it’s fast in every way that matters, and if you haven’t used FaunaDB before you’re in for a treat. If you’re looking to make your static sites full blown Jamstack applications this is the back...
How to Make a Simple CMS With Cloudflare, GitHub Actions and Metalsmith
Let’s build ourselves a CMS. But rather than build out a UI, we’re going to get that UI for free in the form of GitHub itself! We’ll be leveraging GitHub as the way to manage the content for our static site generator (it could be any static site generator). Here’s the gist of it: GitHub is going...
How I Put the Scroll Percentage in the Browser Title Bar
Some nice trickery from Knut Melvær.
Ultimately the trick boils down to figuring out how far you’ve scrolled on the page and changing the title to show it, like:
document.title = `${percent}% ${post.title}`
Knut’s trick assumes React and installing an additional library. I’m sure...
Turning a Fixed-Size Object into a Responsive Element
I was in a situation recently where I wanted to show an iPhone on a website. I wanted users to be able to interact with an application demo on this “mock” phone, so it had to be rendered in CSS, not an image. I found a great library called marvelapp/devices.css. The library implemented the device...
This is another player in the game of rendering the page of the link that you’re about to click on before you click it. It’s like getting a decent performance boost for extremely little effort. is another one, and I’ve been sufficiently convinced by its methodology...
Telegram’s TON OS to Go Open Source on GitHub Tomorrow
While Telegram’s TON and GRAM are delayed, TON OS, an operating system for the TON blockchain, is going to be open sourced on GitHub on May 7
How to Create Custom WordPress Editor Blocks in 2020
Peter Tasker on creating blocks right now:
It’s fairly straightforward these days to get set up with the WP CLI ‘scaffold’ command. This command will set up a WordPress theme or plugin with a ‘blocks’ folder that contains the PHP and base CSS and JavaScript required to create...
Playing With (Fake) Container Queries With watched-box & resizeasaurus
Heydon’s <watched-box> is a damn fantastic tool. It’s a custom element that essentially does container queries by way of class names that get added to the box based on size breakpoints that are calculated with ResizeObserver. It’s like a cleaner version of what Philip...
React Integration Testing: Greater Coverage, Fewer Tests
Integration tests are a natural fit for interactive websites, like ones you might build with React. They validate how a user interacts with your app without the overhead of end-to-end testing. 
This article follows an exercise that starts with a simple website, validates behavior with unit...
[David Baron’s] Thoughts on an implementable path forward for Container Queries
That’s the title of a public post from David Baron, a Principal Engineer at Firefox, with thoughts toward container queries. I know a lot of people have been holding their breath waiting for David’s ideas, as he’s one of few uniquely qualified to understand the ins and outs...
Alpine.js: The JavaScript Framework That’s Used Like jQuery, Written Like Vue, and Inspired by TailwindCSS
We have big JavaScript frameworks that tons of people already use and like, including React, Vue, Angular, and Svelte. Do we need another JavaScript library? Let’s take a look at Alpine.js and you can decide for yourself. Alpine.js is for developers who aren’t looking to build a single page...
Fake Code
Here’s a fun little idea from Knut Synstad. You give it the URL of a GitHub Gist and it converts the Gist into grayscale rounded blobs (SVG) that sorta look like code if you squint. Maybe fun for interesting dynamic backgrounds or for whatever you might use code-looking stock art for.
[článek] Vychází iPhone SE 2 a OnePlus 8, GitHub pro týmy je zdarma, COBOL stále jede
[4 minuty čtení] Samsung otestoval 5G o rychlosti 8,6 Gb/s. Čína startuje produkci pokročilých pamětí. Nové serverové procesory AMD. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě. Vždy v pátek připravuje reportér Jan Sedlák výběr zajímavých zpráv ze světa IT. Co se událo v tomto týdnu?
GitHub zlevnil a zároveň rozšířil možnosti bezplatného tarifu
GitHub je nově k dispozici zdarma v (téměř) plné výbavě. To v praxi znamená, že můžete i v bezplatném tarifu zakládat soukromé repozitáře, na kterých se nyní může podílet neomezené množství vývojářů.
Tarif Free byl přitom doposud určený především veřejným projektům, jejichž kód si mohl