
Nalezeno "web form": 2749

Third-Party Components at Their Best

I'm a fan of the componentization of the web. I think it's a very nice way to build a website at just about any scale (except, perhaps, the absolute most basic). There are no shortage of opinions about what makes a good component, but say we scope that to third-party for a moment. That...

Thinking Through Styling Options for Web Components

Where do you put styles in web components? I'm assuming that we're using the Shadow DOM here as, to me, that's one of the big draws of a web component: a platform thing that is a uniquely powerful thing the platform can do. So this is about defining styles for a web component in a don't-leak-out...

A Web Component with Different HTML for Desktop and Mobile

Christian Schaefer has a great big write-up about dealing with web advertisements. The whole thing is interesting, first documenting all the challenges that ads present, and then presenting modern solutions to each of them. One code snippet that caught my eye was a simple way to design a component...

Instagram přidává zprávy i na web. Nejste ve skupině, na které je testuje?

Instagram začal mezi uživatele rozšiřovat dlouho očekávanou funkci – zprávy i ve webové verzi. Nově tak bude oficiálně možné posílat zprávy přímo z počítače. Novinku sociální síť prozatím testuje na malém vzorku uživatelů. Posílání zpráv je na Instagramu důležitou součástí platformy. Funkci

[aktualita] Google chce web zbavit cookies třetích stran

Společnost Google, která stojí za nejpoužívanějším webovým prohlížečem současnosti, hodlá v rámci své iniciativy Privacy Sandbox zbavit v horizontu dvou let web toho, co se běžně na stránkách označuje jako cookies třetích stran. Společnost o tom informovala včera na Chromium blogu. První drobná...

How many CSS properties are there?

Tomasz Łakomy posted a joke tweet about naming all the CSS attributes and Tejas Kumar replied with a joke answer, going as far as making an npm module. You can even run a terminal command to see them: npx get-all-css-properties You'll get 259 of them. The source code uses the website

Netlify High-Fives

We've got Netlify as a sponsor around here again this year, which is just fantastic. Big fan. Our own Sarah Drasner is Head of DX (Developer Experience) over there, if you hadn't heard. And if you haven't heard of Netlify, well, you're in for a treat. It's a web host, but for your jamstack sites...

How to Animate on the Web With Greensock

There are truly thousands of ways to animate on the web. We’ve covered a comparison of different animation technologies here before. Today, we’re going to dive into a step-by-step guide of one of my favorite ways to get it done: using GreenSock. (They don’t pay me or anything, I just really enjoy...

China Saw $11.4 Billion in Crypto-Based Capital Flight Last Year

On January 8, China-based blockchain security firm Peckshield published its “2019 Global Digital Asset AML Research Report” noting a variety of crypto trends throughout the year. According to the study, cryptocurrency-based capital flight stemming from China was around $11.4 billion...


It's notable that Water.css was the #1 clicked thing from Louis Lazaris' Web Tools Weekly in 2019. It's from a 13-year old developer named Felix! It's just a little bit of CSS you apply to class-free semantic HTML to give it nice basic responsive styles — the perfect kind of thing for a...

Things you can do with a browser in 2020

I edit a good amount of technical articles about the web, and there is a tendency for authors to be super broad in their opening sentence, like "What we're able to do on the web has expanded greatly over the years." I tend to remove stuff like that because it usually doesn't serve the article well...

Understanding Async Await

When writing code for the web, eventually you'll need to do some process that might take a few moments to complete. JavaScript can't really multitask, so we'll need a way to handle those long-running processes. Async/Await is a way to handle this type of time-based sequencing. It’s especially great...

Awesome Demos Roundup #12

A hand-picked collection of fantastic web experiments for your inspiration. Awesome Demos Roundup #12 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

The Ultimate Guide to Dark Mode for Email Marketers

On the regular web (I suppose) we handle "dark mode" with the CSS prefers-color-scheme media query. But, and to nobody's surprise, it's way weirder in the land of HTML email. The weirdness is that across different email clients, they handle the dark mode thing differently, starting with the fact...

How to Stack Elements in CSS

If you want to create fantastic and unique visual experiences on the web, you will eventually need two elements to overlap or exist in the same place. You may even just need them to be positioned near or next to each other. Let's go over two different ways to accomplish this, one with the position...

Wufoo + Zapier

Wufoo has always been great with integrations. They have integrations with specific apps, like Campaign Monitor, Mailchimp, and Typekit, but they also integrate with Zapier, which is sort of like an integration inside an integration. That's kinda meta, but the idea is actually pretty...

5 Web Design Trends You Need to Know About in 2020

Trends are an integral part of web design. It might seem that your corporate website has nothing to do with the zippy extravaganzas and the ever-changing mood of the... The post 5 Web Design Trends You Need to Know About in 2020 appeared first on Onextrapixel

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