Program konference na veletrhu pro programátory Jobs Dev 2019
Celý smysl veletrhu, který se letos koná již potřetí, je umožnit vám nakouknout přímo do programátorských týmů firem a to bez větší námahy a během jediného dne. Souběžně s veletrhem bude probíhat konference s řadou odborných přednášek. Nepůjde o přednášky, jak hledat práci, ale o odborné přednášky...
10 Days of React Challenges (Beginner): Loop Over and Display Data with JSX
Data comes in all shapes and sizes. In JavaScript, an array is how we hold sets of data. For the majority of our site content, we use an array of objects.
Looping through and sh
Deepdotweb Duo Indicted for Linking to Darknet Markets
Federal indictments unsealed on May 8 have revealed further details of the case against Deepdotweb’s operators. Tal Prihar, 37, an Israeli citizen residing in Brazil, and Michael Phan, 34, an Israeli in Tel Aviv, have technically been charged with money laundering. The feds have made it very...
PR: ACD Launches Coin Buy Back Project
ACD's new exciting project is the brainchild of's CEO Roger Ver and ACD's CEO Yasuhiro Sonoda. ACD has decided to start the "ACD Coin Buy Back Project," where a certain number of ACD coins will be bought back when payment is processed using BCH and ACD Coin at online and affiliate shops...
Renewed Market Growth Has Sparked Demand for Crypto-Backed Loans
With cryptocurrency markets back to life, hodling sounds like a smart strategy once again. Cryptocurrency owners are now more likely to pledge coins to borrow fiat if they need it, rather than sell their appreciating digital assets. The spread of crypto-backed loans could also be a good indicator...
Crypto Adoption Strong in Venezuela Despite Political Chaos
The political tension in Venezuela has affected local cryptocurrency adoption. While there are roadblocks, many crypto-advocating projects continue to thrive in the country. takes a deep look at the current situation in Venezuela, crypto adoption efforts and how the recent...
Bitcoin’s Software Has Been Rolled Back Before
When Binance lost $40 million to hackers this week, the crypto community discussed reorganizing the chain after it was suggested by a developer from MIT. Many people were upset by this proposition, declaring that there was no way a coordinated effort with miners could be pulled off. However, most...
Despite $100K Pledged to Charity, Adam Back Remains Silent Over Proposed Debate
There’s over $100,000 on the line that could be given to charity for about an hour of Adam Back’s time. If he chooses to debate Bitcoin Unlimited’s Peter Rizun over why he thinks it’s a bad idea to scale with larger blocks, Paxful’s Ray Youssef‏ has pledged $100K...
Why Cryptocurrency Investors Are Renouncing Their US Citizenship
Andrew Henderson is the founder of Nomad Capitalist, a company which helps people from around the world move to different countries while minimizing their tax obligations. In recent years the company has created plans for dozens of people who made their wealth from the cryptocurrency sector...
Stay in Touch With Markets Using the Cryptowatch App
Cryptocurrency prices and market trends are constantly in flux. Cryptowatch is an Android Wear application that updates users about price changes on the go. It’s always with you, even when your smartphone is not around or runs out of battery. Also read: Coin 360 Provides Color-Based Crypto...
Getting To Know The MutationObserver API
MutationObserver watches the DOM, specifically the places you tell it to, like:
...and it can tell you (trigger a callback) when stuff happens — like when a child is added, removed, changed, or a number of other things.
I used it just the other day...
Why, How, and When to Use Semantic HTML and ARIA
Semantic HTML and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) help create interfaces that work for everyone in the most performant, robust, and simple way possible. They add essential meaning to your content, which lets web browsers, search engines, screen readers, RSS readers, and ultimately...
Příručka marketéra: Podcast jako nejlevnější marketingový nástroj pro sofistikované publikum
První Queens podcast jsme poslali do světa zhruba před šesti měsíci a měli jsme úplně jednoduchý cíl – aby si ho poslechlo aspoň 1000 lidí. A když se nám to povede, pořídíme si lepší techniku. Jeden den jsme si prostě řekli, že to zkusíme – a druhý už jsme šli… Číst dále
The post Příručka...
The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes
It's extremely surprising to me that HTML has never had any way to include other HTML files within it. Nor does there seem to be anything on the horizon that addresses it. I'm talking about straight up includes, like taking a chunk of HTML and plopping it right into another. For example the...
Content First 2019: Jak získat sympatie veřejnosti, porazit konkurenci a rozšířit okruh zákazníků
Konference o obsahovém marketingu letos přinese originální a konkrétní tipy, jak získat zájem a sympatie veřejnosti, porazit konkurenci a nakonec i rozšířit okruh zákazníků. Sejdete se s úspěšnými stratégy z firem jako IKEA ČR,, Rock Point,, Forbes, Česká televize nebo organizací...
Add Authentication and Personalization to VuePress
There are several advantages to using a static site generator such as VuePress. With VuePress, you can focus on writing content using markdown, and the VuePress application generates static HTML fi
Tabs: It’s Complicated™
I've said before one quick and powerful thing you can learn as a front-end developer just getting starting with JavaScript is changing classes.
const button = document.querySelector(".my-button");
const element = document.querySelector(".content");
button.addEventListener("click", function()...
How to Get a Progressive Web App into the Google Play Store
PWA (Progressive Web Apps) have been with us for some time now. Yet, each time I try explaining it to clients, the same question pops up: "Will my users be able to install the app using app stores?" The answer has traditionally been no, but this changed with Chrome 72 which shipped a new feature...
Simulating Mouse Movement
If you've ever had to display an interactive animation during a live talk or a class, then you may know that it's not always easy to interact with your slides and while talking.
This happened to me when I needed to show this particles demo to my students. I didn't want to have to stay next to...
Programátoři všech jazyků, přijďte na Jobs Dev 2019
Již potřetí můžete bez větší námahy nakouknout přímo do programátorských týmů velkých firem. V sobotu 18. května se koná další veletrh práce pro programátory Jobs Dev 2019 spolu konferencí. Prezentovat se zde budou firmy skrze své vlastní programátory. Během jediného dne se tak dozvíte...