
Nalezeno "content": 20544

AI-Based Video Preview from Cloudinary (Sponsored)

The early days of video on the web weren’t great. We started with custom browser plugins and codecs, then moved to Flash, and eventually we found our way HTML <video>. Once we solved the technology problem, we started using more video for content and advertising. The next problem...

Fixed Headers, On-Page Links, and Overlapping Content, Oh My!

Let's take a basic on-page link: <a href="#section-two">Section Two</a> When clicked, the browser will scroll itself to the element with that ID: <section id="section-two"></section>. A browser feature as old as browsers themselves, just about. But as soon as...

Crossroads Slideshow

An experimental slideshow with an inclined look, three slide previews and a content view on click. Crossroads Slideshow was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

Creating a Reusable Pagination Component in Vue

The idea behind most of web applications is to fetch data from the database and present it to the user in the best possible way. When we deal with data there are cases when the best possible way of presentation means creating a list. Depending on the amount of data and its content, we may decide...

It’s pretty cool how Netlify CMS works with any flat file site generator

Little confession here: when I first saw Netlify CMS at a glance, I thought: cool, maybe I'll try that someday when I'm exploring CMSs for a new project. Then as I looked at it with fresh eyes: I can already use this! It's a true CMS in that it adds a content management UI on top of any static site...

Creating a Custom Element from Scratch

In the last article, we got our hands dirty with Web Components by creating an HTML template that is in the document but not rendered until we need it. Next up, we’re going to continue our quest to create a custom element version of the dialog component below which currently only uses...

People Digging into Grid Sizing and Layout Possibilities

Jen Simmons has been coining the term intrinsic design, referring to a new era in web layout where the sizing of content has gone beyond fluid columns and media query breakpoints and into, I dunno, something a bit more exotic. For example, columns that are sized more by content and guidelines than...

See No Evil: Hidden Content and Accessibility

There is no one true way to hide something on the web. Nor should there be, because hiding is too vague. Are you hiding visually or temporarily (like a user menu), but the content should still be accessible? Are you hiding it from assistive tech on purpose? Are you showing it to assistive tech...

Jaké potřebuji zadání?

Možná řešíte stejný problém. (Možná ne.) Jaké zadání potřebuji dostat? Co by mělo splňovat takové ideální správné zadání? Pojďme se na to podívat

Extending Google Analytics on CSS-Tricks with Custom Dimensions

The idea for this article sparked when Chris wrote this in Thank You (2018 Edition): I almost wish our URLs had years in them because I still don't have a way to scope analytic data to only show me data from content published this year. I can see the most popular stuff from the year, but that's...

IT konferencia CodeCon 2019

V utorok 02.04. 2019 od 08:00 sa v Bratislave uskutoční IT vývojárska konferencia CodeCon 2019, ktorá sa bude konať v duchu od vývojárov pre vývojárov. Na konferencii sa stretnú programátori z celého Slovenska a Česka

Extracting Text from Content Using HTML Slot, HTML Template and Shadow DOM

Chapter names in books, quotes from a speech, keywords in an article, stats on a report — these are all types of content that could be helpful to isolate and turn into a high-level summary of what's important. For example, have you seen the way Business Insider provides an article's key points...

HTTP požadavky a odpovědi v Nette

Jaké jsou základní možnosti práce s HTTP protokolem v Nette Frameworku? Podíváme se detailněji na rozhraní IResponse. A na chvíli se zastavíme u cachování

Control Icons with Font Size

Here’s a nifty trick from Andy Bell that now seems a little obvious in hindsight: if you set an SVG to have a width and height of 1em then you can change the size of it with the font-size property. Try and change the font-size on the body element below to see the icon scale with the text: ...

Six tips for better web typography

How do we avoid the most common mistakes when it comes to setting type on the web? That’s the question that’s been stuck in my head lately as I’ve noticed a lot of typography that’s lackluster, frustrating, and difficult to read. So, how can we improve interfaces so that our content is easy to read...

Příprava designu, po které touží každý kodér

Dnes se podíváme na spolupráci mezi grafikem a kodérem. Text je psaný z pohledu grafika. Co vše by měl udělat, než vám kodérům předá grafické podklady, abyste s nimi mohli dobře pracovat? Není toho málo. Porovnejte si to s podklady, které na stůl dostáváte vy. A pokud nevyhovují, pošlete vašemu...

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