Brno Mobile – večerní konference o mobilním vývoji
Už pojedenácté se 16. května v brněnském Impact Hubu uskuteční večerní konference o mobilním vývoji BrMo. Na akci budou prezentovat tři vývojáři z různých sofwarových firem: Petr Šabata Martin Pilch Jirka Pénzeš Vstup…
How to Get a React Component’s Element
JSX is an amazing pseudo-language for React, and if I’m honest, it’s what brought me to love React so much. Using React without JSX is cumbersome and frustrating, while using JSX is such an easier way to express your code. One drawback of JSX, however, is that it makes accessing...
Add Authentication to Any Web Page in 10 Minutes
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Adding authentication to web pages can be pretty annoying.
While I'd like to say that
Česká Python konference bude již za měsíc
Každoroční české setkání příznivců jazyka Python, konference PyCon CZ, se bude konat 1. až 3. června v Praze, konkrétně ve smíchovské MeetFactory. Hlavními hosty jsou letos Karen M. Sandler, Van Lindberg, Flavio Percoco…
Vertically Centering with Flexbox
Vertically centering sibling child contents is a task we’ve long needed on the web but has always seemed way more difficult than it should be. We initially used tables to accomplish the task, then moved on to CSS and JavaScript tricks because table layout was horribly inefficient —...
React and autofocus
While I love ReactJS, I can say that I sometimes find interactions that were easy during the pre-ReactJS are annoyingly difficult or at least “indirect”. One example is properly ensuring that a given <input> element gets focused when a button in a different component...
CSS Environment Variables
We were all introduced to the env() function in CSS when all that drama about "The Notch" and the iPhone X was going down. The way that Apple landed on helping us move content away from those "unsafe" areas was to provide us essentially hard-coded variables to use:
Script & Style Show: Episode 9: What’s in the News
In this episode: David reveals his tree-falling-into-house nightmare, but quickly moves onto recent news, like the massive release of Dojo 2, EU privacy, service workers landing in all major browsers (finally Edge!), this tweet, and more!  
The post Script & Style Show: Episode...
Incapsula DDoS Resiliency Score
(This is a sponsored post.)
These free training courses from Incapsula give you the technical knowledge and skills to accelerate your website and optimize content delivery. Website Performance Mastery Starts Here in a fun, quiz-based online format, these free training courses give you the technical...
IP Geolocation with ipstack (Sponsored)
Knowing where your web visitor is located is an incredible advantage to any website; you can show relative content like maps, pricing, and availability, output your content in their likely language, etc — I cannot overstate how useful that information is. Of course we have the HTML5...
Change Python Version
Python plays a major role at Mozilla; much of our website backends and tooling are written in the powerful language. Want to build Firefox? You’ll need to make sure you have the proper Python version, which I recently found out had been upgraded. Despite installing and verifying I had...
10 nejzávažnějších zranitelností webových aplikací podle OWASP
Útoků na webové aplikace neustále přibývá. Rostoucí počet uživatelů, komplexnější aplikace a nové postupy s sebou nesou nová rizika. OWASP proto aktualizoval seznam deseti nejnebezpečnějších zranitelnosti webových aplikací dneška. Znáte je všechny?
Reset File Changes with git
There are many different philosophies when it comes to code review but mine is fairly simple: I like receiving early “work in progress” patches, I like to be positive in my code review messages, and if a patch is 90% there, I like to finish the patch myself so the project...
DDoS Protection by Incapsula (Sponsored)
DDoS protection is an incredibly important protection for sites that require dependability, regardless of the service your site provides. Whether your online product or service is for managing money, buying or selling crypto, or simply sharing your tech nerdery (like this blog), there’s...
Script & Style Show: Episode 8: Conferences
On this episode: David turns carmudgeon when it comes to conferences. The crew talks about different conferences, pitfalls of going to a conference, and most importantly, how to be successful at a conference. Enjoy!
The post Script & Style Show: Episode 8: Conferences appeared first...
VuePress Static Site Generator
VuePress is a new tool from Vue creator Evan You that spins up Vue projects that are more on the side of websites based on content and markup than progressive web applications and does it with a few strokes of the command line.
We talk a lot about Vue around here, from a five-part series on getting...
Creating Spacers with Flexbox
I was one of the biggest fans of flexbox before it hit but, due to being shuffled around at Mozilla, I never had the chance to use it in any practice project; thus, flexbox still seems like a bit of a mystery to me. This greatly pains me because I feel left out of the […]
The post Creating...
Script & Style Show: Episode 7: Open Source with Ashley Grant
On this week’s episode we welcome Ashley Grant of Aurelia fame to talk about open source: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the scary. Enjoy!
The post Script & Style Show: Episode 7: Open Source with Ashley Grant appeared first on David Walsh Blog
Říká o sobě, že umí najít všechny bugy. V červnu vystoupí na mDevCamp 2018
Po roční přestávce se 15. června do Prahy opět vrací největší konference pro mobilní nadšence ve Střední Evropě mDevCamp. Návštěvníci mají šanci osobně se setkat s autory slavných světových i českých aplikací, sledovat přednášky světových špiček, účastnit...
The Dark Side of Promises
Since the release of es6 many new features have found their way into NodeJS, but non had quite the same impact as promises. Promises have been developed for the browser before es6 was even a thing. There were several implementations that have been used like jQuery’s deferred object before...