
Nalezeno "web form": 2684

Bitcoin Cash Outshines BTC Retail Spending in Australia by a Wide Margin

The BCH-centric web portal published on October 13 an in-depth report that shows the aggregate of cryptocurrency expenditure for Australian retail businesses. According to the 10-page document, BCH transactions in the country exceed BTC transactions by a wide margin and BCH is...

IRS to Require 150 Million Tax Filers to Disclose Crypto Dealings

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has unveiled a new draft tax form used by some 150 million people in the country to file tax returns. It has a section that requires them to answer whether they have received, sold, sent, exchanged, or acquired any financial interest in any cryptocurrencies...

The Teletype Text Element Lives On… at Least on This Site

It was this: <tt> I say "was" because it's deprecated. It may still "work" (like everybody's favorite <marquee> in some browsers), but it could stop working anytime, they say. The whole purpose of it was to display text in a monospace font, like the way Teletype machines used...

Food, Shelter and Clothing: Bitcoin Cash Charities Making a Global Impact

Eatbch, the unique charity movement providing assistance in the form of community-delivered meals fueled by Bitcoin Cash, continues to serve Venezuela and South Sudan, and is now expanding its connections. The South Sudan Eatbch group just announced they are working with local activists to help...

Recipes for Performance Testing Single Page Applications in WebPageTest

WebPageTest is an online tool and an Open Source project to help developers audit the performance of their websites. As a Web Performance Evangelist at Theodo, I use it every single day. I am constantly amazed at what it offers to the web development community at large and the web performance folks...

Web už několik týdnů nejede. Příčinou je hackerský útok

Český web firmy Garmin už několik týdnů nefunguje, konkrétně od 18. září. Americký výrobce chytrých hodinek a navigací web v České republice odstavil, protože byl napaden stejně postavený web v jiné zemi a hrozilo reálné riziko napadení i českého webu. Web byl proto odstaven a nyní probíhá

Wufoo Cracks the Code for Forms So You Don’t Have To

There was a lot of buzz about forms last week when Jason Grisby pointed to a missing pattern attribute on Chipotle's order form that could have been used to help-through millions of dollars in orders. Adrian Roselli followed that up with the common mistake of forgetting for and id attributes...

3. Prague Flutter meetup

Třetí Prague Flutter meetup se bude konat 17. října v prostorách Google. Zveme všechny zájemce o Flutter! Program Ondřej Kunc: Dynamic Forms Jirka Pénzeš: TBA Kirill Bubochkin: Flutter for Web The One With…

Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer

Regardless of your stance on pornography, it would be impossible to deny the massive impact the adult website industry has had on pushing the web forward. From pushing the browser’s video limits to pushing ads through WebSocket so ad blockers don’t detect them, you have to be clever...

[aktualita] Služba Lepší.TV předělala web i uživatelské prostředí

IPTV služba Lepší.TV představila novou podobu uživatelského prostředí. „Novému vzhledu dominují tmavé barvy, které mají navodit podobný pocit, jako když sedíte v kině – smysly diváka se soustředí jen na zvuk a obraz a do celého zážitku je maximálně vtáhnutý,“ popsal redesign ředitel Pavel Górecki....

Why Progressive Web Apps Are The Future of Mobile Web

Here’s one of the best essays I’ve ever read about why progressive web apps are important, how they work, and what impact they have on a business: PWAs are powerful, effective, fast and app-like. It’s hard to imagine a mobile web property that could not be significantly improved via...

AHLA and HFTP Form Committee to Update Lodging Industry Protocols

The lodging industry in the United States has been in existence for a long time and over the course of the past nine decades, it has followed certain protocols with regards to financial reporting. During that period, the US lodging industry has used the USALI protocol for its financial reporting...

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