
Nalezeno "SET": 2289

Using Dotfiles for Managing Development and Many Other Magical Things

Howdy folks! 🎉 I'm Simon Owen, and over the years, I've loved being a part of and learning from the dotfiles community. I spend a lot of time teaching developers and running workshops. In those sessions, demonstrating how I set up my development environment is often one of things that folks...

JavaScript Glossary: Array.some()

Basics This method checks if any of the elements contained in an array passes a set test. If at least one of the elements passes this test, true is returned. This method only

JavaScript Glossary: Array .every() Method

Basics The every method checks that each element in an array passes a set test. This method will return true if all the elements pass the set. Once an element tha

Set Desktop Wallpaper from Command Line on Mac

Whenever I need to accomplish a basic task that typically calls for interacting with a UI, I challenge myself to complete the task from command line. After all, most UIs are simply a mask over basic commands, especially when it comes to the operating system. Suddenly I feel like an automation...

Multiple Background Clip

You know how you can have multiple backgrounds? body { background-image: url(image-one.jpg), url(image-two.jpg); } That's just background-image. You can set their position too, as you might expect. We'll shorthand it: body { background: url(image-one.jpg) no-repeat top right, ...

How to Change Animated GIF Speed

Comedians would tell you that timing is the most important part of any joke. The same could be said about animated GIFs; whether they’re used as a meme or to illustrate a process, the speed of an animated GIF can effect its effectiveness. With that idea in mind, I set about trying to figure...

STAR Apps: A New Generation of Front-End Tooling for Development Workflows

Product teams from AirBnb and New York Times to Shopify and Artsy (among many others) are converging on a new set of best practices and technologies for building the web apps that their businesses depend on. This trend reflects core principles and solve underlying problems that we may share, so...

Freebie: Emojious Icons (AI, SVG, PNG)

A set of 50 vector icons from the quirky Emojious icon set exclusively for Codrops readers. Freebie: Emojious Icons (AI, SVG, PNG) was written by Emojious and published on Codrops

Re: Pleasing Color Palettes

There are so many tools out there to help you pick colors. I totally get it! It's hard! When colors are done well, it's like magic. It adds a level of polish to a design that can really set it apart. Let's look at some, then talk about this idea some more. Here's one I just saw called Color...

Animated Mesh Lines

A set of five demos with animated WebGL lines created with the THREE.MeshLine library. Find out how to animate and build these lines to create your own animations. Animated Mesh Lines was written by Jérémie Boulay and published on Codrops

Goals for 2019

Every turn of the year is a new opportunity to start over, set goals, and renew optimism that time can heal wounds and drive us to change and achieve. I did really well with my 2018 goals: I started a fun podcast with TrackJS’ Todd Gardener I found my passion again by joining Mozilla’s...

People Talkin’ Shapes

Codrops has a very nice article on CSS Shapes from Tania Rascia. You might know shape-outside is for redefining the area by which text is floated around that element, allowing for some interesting design opportunities. But there are a couple of genuine CSS tricks in here: Float shape-outside...

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