2020 Year in Review
Looking back on an entire year of one’s professional life is difficult, but when you consider everything that 2020 threw at us, where the hell do you even start? Forget just surviving the professional aspect of 2020, we all deserve a medal, both literally and figuratively, for surviving...
How to Animate a SVG with border-image
Let’s take a look at how to combine the border-image property in CSS with animated SVGs that move around a border. In the process, we’ll cover how to hand-craft resizable, nine-slice animated SVGs that you can use not only re-create the effect, but to make it your own.
Here’s what we’re...
Super Tiny Icons
A bunch of SVG icons (of popular things) all under 1KB. SVG is awesome for golfing.
I was going to add a CodePen logo but there is already one in there at 375 Bytes. I’ve got one at 208 Bytes, based on a logo update David DeSandro did for us a couple years back.
Direct Link to Article...
10 Amazing Media Tricks Made Possibly by Cloudinary (Sponsored)
Cloudinary is my go-to place for transforming and optimizing media before delivery. By simply modifying the URL of an image or video, you can customize its size, presentation, Instagram-like filtering, and various other aspects. I previously posted about the 10 excellent image tricks...
What I’m Thankful For: 2020
My parents loathe when I use poor language but luckily they don’t read this blog so I’ll just be blunt: 2020 has been an absolute shit show. COVID-19 has been a world-wide source of devastation to lives, jobs, and our quality of life. That said, I’ve found myself feeling...
Use a Submit Button Outside of !
Have you ever felt like you’ve been a professional developer or designer forever, and somehow not known something basic, and borderline hate yourself? That’s me with a trick that was introduced to me by Miguel Piedrafita: 🔥 You can submit forms from a button outside of the form...
Creating UI Components in SVG
I’m thoroughly convinced that SVG unlocks a whole entire world of building interfaces on the web. It might seem daunting to learn SVG at first, but you have a spec that was designed to create shapes and yet, still has elements, like text, links, and aria labels available to you. You can accomplish...
How to Create a Timeline Task List Component Using SVG
I’m thoroughly convinced that SVG unlocks a whole entire world of building interfaces on the web. It might seem daunting to learn SVG at first, but you have a spec that was designed to create shapes and yet, still has elements, like text, links, and aria labels available to you. You can accomplish...
Graphery SVG
I’ve compared SVG and Canvas before. If you’re trying to decide between them, read that. I’d say the #1 difference between them is vector (SVG) versus raster (Canvas). But the #2 difference is how you work with them. SVG is declarative, as in, literal elements that express what they are through...
Detect Generator Functions with JavaScript
In the current JavaScript climate of new syntaxes, features, and using loads of external libraries, it seems harder than ever to be sure what your functions are being given or even what the data represents. Of course, we’ve come up with Flow and TypeScript to help, but we can’t count...
git: Remove Untracked Files
I’ve always said that I know just enough about git to get the job done, but also do something destructive. Nothing embodies that more than my recent mistake. I somehow found a git repository full of untracked files and git stash wouldn’t fix it. Desperation led me to learning how...
CSS Background Patterns
Nice little tool from Jim Raptis: CSS Background Patterns. A bunch of easy-to-customize and copy-and-paste backgrounds that use hard stop CSS gradients to make classy patterns. Not quite as flexible as SVG backgrounds, but just as lightweight.
Like this:
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Speaking of cool...
Node isConnected
Every so often I discover a property in JavaScript objects that I didn’t know existed, oftentimes using another trick to accomplish the same functionality. One such property I just learned about was isConnected, a node property that attached to a context (i.e. document). Here’s how...
I’ve been saying for years that a pretty good icon system is just dropping in icons with inline <svg> where you need them. This is simple to do, offers full design control, has (generally) good performance, and means you aren’t smurfing around with caching and browser support...
Libraries for SVG Drawing Animations
In 2013, Jake Archibald introduced this cool trick of animating an SVG path to look like it’s drawing itself. It’s 2020 now, and the trick is still popular. I’ve seen it on a lot of websites I’ve visited recently. I, too, feature an animated SVG loader on my website using one of the libraries I’ll...
Limit Promise Concurrency with pool
Methods like Promise.all, Promise.allSettled, Promise.race, and the rest are really excellent for managing multiple Promises, allowing for our apps to embrace async and performance. There are times, however, that limiting the number of concurrent operations may be useful, like rate limiting...
Gray Burst
I made this neat little gray burst thing. It’s nothing particularly special, especially compared to the amazing creativity on CodePen, but I figured I could document some of the things happening in it for learning reasons.
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It’s SVG
SVG has <line x1 y1...
How Hacker News Crushed David Walsh Blog
Earlier this month, David’s heartfelt posting about leaving Mozilla made the front page of Hacker News. Traffic increased by 800% to his already-busy website, which slowed and eventually failed under the pressure. Request Metrics monitors performance and uptime for David’s blog, and our metrics...
Detect Changed Files with git
There are numerous reasons to want to know which files have been added or modified in a git repository, one of which is your text editor highlighting those files. Another use case is running tasks against only files which are presently changed, like lint or other validation routines. So how can...
Collective #629
Hands-Free Coding * Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid * Responsive Height Design * SVG Favicon Maker
The post Collective #629 appeared first on Codrops