Re-creating the ‘His Dark Materials’ Logo in CSS
The text logo has a slash cut through the text. You set two copies on top of one another, cropping both of them with the clip-path property.
What's interesting to me is how many cool design effects require multiple copies of an element to do something cool. To get the extra copy, at least with...
Multi-Thumb Sliders: General Case
The first part of this two-part series detailed how we can get a two-thumb slider. Now we'll look at a general multi-thumb case, but with a different and better technique for creating the fills in between the thumbs. And finally, we'll dive into the how behind the styling a realistic 3D-looking...
Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case
This is a concept I first came across a few years back when Lea Verou wrote an article on it. Multi-range sliders have sadly been removed from the spec since, but something else that has happened in the meanwhile is that CSS got better — and so have I, so I recently decided to make my...
7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties
I find all seven of these quite clever and useful.
I particularly like using custom properties when you can sneak a variation into a place where you'd normally have to re-declare a whole big chunk of code.
.some-element {
background-color: hsla(
var(--h, 120),
var(--s, 50),
Moving Rainbow Underlines
I absolutely love the design of the Sandwich site. Among many beautiful features are these headlines with rainbow underlines that move as you scroll. It's not scroll-jacking — it's just a minor design feature that uses scroll position to enact a little movement.
To draw the rainbows...
Stream-Crossing Confusion
Should I use WordPress or React hooks?
Should I use D3 or CSS?
Should I use Markdown or JSON?
Can I use flexbox in Gatsby?
Can I use custom properties in Jekyll?
Should I use HTML or the cloud?
How do I add dark mode to my Vue site?
These are tongue-in-cheek, but there is a point to be made here....
Make a smooth shadow, friend.
One box-shadow is cool and all, but check out Philipp Brumm's tool for building out comma-separated multiple box-shadows, which result in a much smoother and more natural look.
This reminds me very much of the idea for easing linear-gradient. In a gradient, this smoothing effect is handled...
Maduro Plans to Airdrop Petro to Municipal Leaders and Eligible Citizens
The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro wants the nation state-issued cryptocurrency, petro (PTR) to have the same usability properties as a physical currency. On December 13, Maduro explained on national television that the Superintendence of Crypto-Assets and Related Activities (Sunacrip)...
Motion Paths – Past, Present and Future
Cassie Evans has a great intro to motion paths. That is, being able to animate an element along a path. Not just up/down/left/right, but whatever curvy/wiggly/weird path you want.
It's an interesting subject because there are so many different technologies helping to do it over time. SMIL...
The Power (and Fun) of Scope with CSS Custom Properties
You’re probably already at least a little familiar with CSS variables. If not, here’s a two-second overview: they are really called custom properties, you set them in declaration blocks like --size: 1em and use them as values like font-size: var(--size);, they differ from preprocessor variables...
Ellington Properties Employs Bitcoin Suisse AG To Facilitate Easy Crypto Payments
Ellington Properties, which shines as a highly-reputed boutique property developer firm based in Dubai, has announced that it has collaborated with Bitcoin Suisse AG (BTCS) to acknowledge its crypto brokerage services. The strategic integration has been aimed to ease out the payments system for...
Highlights from Chrome Dev Summit 2019
Ire Aderinokun has made another round-up summary of some things that piqued her attention during this year’s Chrome Dev Summit and there’s a lot of exciting news! There’s the :is selector (which Geoff wrote about a while back) as well as logical properties, updates to standard form elements,...
An Early Look at the Vue 3 Composition API in the Wild
I recently had an opportunity to try the new Vue Composition API in a real project to check where it might be useful and how we could use it in the future.
Until now, when we were creating a new component we were using Options API. That API forced us to separate the component’s code by options...
Pac-Man… in CSS!
You all know famous Pac-Man video game, right? The game is fun and building an animated Pac-Man character in HTML and CSS is just as fun! I’ll show you how to create one while leveraging the powers of the clip-path property.
See the Pen
Animated Pac-Man by Maks Akymenko (@maximakymenko)
Two-Value Display Syntax (and Sometimes Three)
You know the single-value syntax: .thing { display: block; }. The value "block" being a single value. There are lots of single values for display. For example, inline-flex, which is like flex in that it becomse a flex container, but behaves like an inline-level element rather than a block-level...
Show Search Button when Search Field is Non-Empty
I think the :placeholder-shown selector is tremendously cool. It allows you to select the placeholder of an input (<input placeholder="...">) when that placeholder is present. Meaning, the input does not yet have any value. You might think input[value] could do that, or help match on...
Japanese Merchant Bank Signs Deal to Tokenize Estonian Properties
MBK, a Tokyo-based and Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed merchant bank, has signed a deal for the tokenization of property in Estonia
Bidirectional Horizontal Rules in CSS
Say you have a <blockquote> and the design calls for a thick border along the left side. Well, you might not necessarily mean left side, but actually mean on the side of the start of the text.
That's exactly what CSS logical properties are meant to address, and Hussein Al Hammad has a nice...
Patterns for Practical CSS Custom Properties Use
I've been playing around with CSS Custom Properties to discover their power since browser support is finally at a place where we can use them in our production code. I’ve been using them in a number different ways and I’d love for you to get as excited about them as I am. They are so useful...
Jaké novinky přinese PHP 7.4
Vydání PHP 7.4 je plánováno na 28. listopadu 2019. Přináší hromadu zajímavých věcí - Typed Properties, Array Functions, Preload, FFI a pár dalších vylepšení. Sice přibyly i nějaké deprecations, ale typicky se týkají podivného chování, takže upgrade by měl být snadný