
Nalezeno "online": 2710

Wimbledon online: Jak sledovat tenis na internetu

V Londýně právě probíhá nejslavnější tenisový turnaj – Wimbledon. Zájem českého publika o tento sportovní svátek zvyšuje aktuální výkon české tenistky Barbory Strýcové, která se probojovala do semifinále. Tam ve čtvrtek 11. července ve 14:00 nastoupí proti Sereně Williamsové. Pokud chcete tento

IndieWeb and Webmentions

The IndieWeb is a thing! They've got a conference coming up and everything. The New Yorker is even writing about it: Proponents of the IndieWeb offer a fairly straightforward analysis of our current social-media crisis. They frame it in terms of a single question: Who owns the servers? The bulk...

[aktualita] HyperMedia kupují bulvární online deník Bleskově.cz

Společnost HyperMedia, která byla nedávno sama pohlcena firmou BigBoard Praha, opět rozšiřuje svoje portfolio, po akvizici filmové database kupuje 100% podíl v bulvárním online deníku Bleskově.cz. HyperMedia je společnost zabývající se internetovým marketingem, na trhu je od roku...

Namecheap Lets You Buy a Domain and Host Your Website With Bitcoin Cash

Are you a cryptocurrency user looking to establish an online business, an internet community forum or even just create a fan page dedicated to your cat? Namecheap lets you buy a domain name and pay for hosting your website with bitcoin cash (BCH). Also Read: How to Cold Store Your Cryptocurrency...

Peklo v Česku i u nás v redakci. Sledujte teploty online na několika webech

Česko zasáhly tropy. Zejména pak Čechy, pro které dnes meteorologové předpovídají překonání mnoha místních rekordů. Uvidíme večer, teplota totiž na mnoha místech stále roste. Jak vypadají česká vedra v širším kontextu? Podívejte se na několik snímků z Windy, In-počasí a možná trošku pro pobavení

Jaký byl online zásah Milionů chvilek

Včera odpoledne se v Praze na Letné země otřásla a s ní i český internet. Nám na Těchinternetech to nedalo a podívali jsme se aktivitu Milion chvilek. Díky platformě na online naslouchání SentiOne jsme našli zajímavá data. Na data, která znamenala otřesy v online prostředí a měla vliv na online... Lets You Pay for Membership With Bitcoin Cash

Playing chess online is a great way to sharpen your mind and to compete against players of a similar ability level. For cryptocurrency owners, is the ideal platform for this purpose, for it lets you pay for membership with bitcoin cash. Also Read: Peaceful Warrior Lets You Buy Jewelry... Will Sell You Home Automation Gadgets for Bitcoin

The range of products and services you can pay for with digital coins is constantly expanding. Cryptocurrencies, which are considered to be the future of money, can now be used to purchase items that will change our lives in the future. An online retailer in the U.S. called My Digital Discount...

What can blockchain do for the online gaming sector?

There are several ways in which blockchain technology is attempting to disrupt the world of online gaming. Blockchain is already revolutionising many different sectors, creating transparent, immutable platforms for industries to depend upon. Blockchain was originally created as the foundation...

Are Anonymous Cryptocurrencies the Best Way for Safe Online Purchases?

When Satoshi Nakamoto first released the code for Bitcoin in 2009, the king of mainstream cryptocurrencies, no one could have predicted the current situation. Bitcoin is mostly used as a means to amass wealth and carry out investments, while its underlying blockchain tech is being constantly used...

These Websites Help You Shop With Major Retailers Using Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency users are often forced to convert their coins to fiat in order to purchase items from leading retailers and ecommerce platforms such as Walmart and Home Depot, Amazon, Aliexpress, and Ebay. The hesitation of these merchants to embrace crypto payments has created a niche that’s...

VPN Providers Defy Order to Connect to Russia’s Internet Censor

Russian regulators have once again moved to expand oversight of the online space in an attempt to ensure compliance with various restrictions Moscow is trying to impose. But as in other cases, their efforts have been met with resistance. Over a dozen VPN platforms, popular among crypto enthusiasts...

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