Coinbase Has to Face Negligence Lawsuit Over Launch of BCH
As per the latest reports, Coinbase Inc. will have to face a lawsuit for negligence over the unveiling of Bitcoin Cash (BCH). According to the ruling by Vince Chhabria, United States District Judge of Northern District of California, the cryptocurrency exchange exhibited ‘incompetence born...
PR: Evercoin Announces $1M Pre-Seed Financing With gumi Cryptos and Prominent Blockchain and Open Source Pioneers
San Francisco, CA - Evercoin announced today $1M in pre-seed stage financing from gumi Cryptos and prominent Blockchain and Open Source pioneers.
Investors in this round include:
Gumi Cryptos Capital
Roger Ver -- Founder, Executive Chairman of
Ross Mason -- Founder of MuleSoft (sold...
Securitize Announced Tenth On-Chain Digital Asset Through Its Platform
The security token start-up based in San Francisco, Securitize backed by Coinbase has announced the launch of the tenth on-chain digital asset. The start-up assists Coinbase and other firms in creating tokens or tokenization of assets and securities. The start-up entered into the digital asset...
US Capital Global commits $10 million to NYCQ Fund LP
The private financial group founded in San Francisco, US Capital Global, is trying its hands in cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. As per the report surfaced on Monday, the FINRA licensed company will be placing $10 million accredited funds for equity stakes in NYCQ Fund LP. CityBlock Capital...
Too Sick for Buffett Lunch, Justin Sun Attends Tron Influencer Party in SF
Justin Sun said he postponed the Buffett lunch due to kidney stone. But that didn't stop him from briefly mingling at a Tron party on Thursday night in SF
Justin Sun Surfaces in San Francisco, Contrary to Chinese Media Reports
If, as the saying goes, any publicity is good publicity, then Tuesday was a great day for Tron CEO Justin Sun
Billionaire Henry Kravis Invests in Former Employee’s Crypto Fund
Henry Kravis is investing in a new investment firm in San Francisco aimed at providing blockchain and cryptocurrency investment services
ETC Labs And Metronome Partner For Cross-Blockchain Interoperability
ETC Labs (Ethereum Classic Labs) has collaborated with Metronome for enabling the first ever cross-blockchain interoperability known as “ChainHop”. What that means is the partnership will make way for the transfer of digital assets between ETC (Ethereum Classic) and ETH (Ethereum), 2 of the biggest...
ETC Labs Unveils ETC-ETH Interoperability Solution Backed by Metronome
ETC Labs has partnered with Metronome to put the first interoperable cryptocurrency (MET) across its blockchain and Ethereum’s
20th eBay Power Lunch With Warren Buffett To Be Held On July 25, at Quince, SF
Justin Sun, Tron founder and CEO, tweeted on Thursday that this year’s eBay Power of Lunch with Warren Buffett will be held on July 25. The event will be held at Quince Restaurant, San Francisco. I'm pleased to announce that this years eBay #PowerOfOneLunch with @WarrenBuffett will be held July...
Square Rolls Out Bitcoin Deposits for Cash App to General Public
Cash App now accommodates bitcoin deposits from third party wallets, according to a recent update of a Square support page Launches The 2019 Global Dev Competition, $100,000 Up For Prizes, Winner Gets $30,000
The Global Dev Competition 2018, held in Hangzhou, China, was a huge success, and this time, wows to make it even bigger. The 2019 DevCon2 final will be held in San Francisco, and $100,000 will be awarded in prize money. Bytom first announced Bytom Global Dev Competition 2019 during...
The 20th Annual eBay Power Lunch With Warren Buffett Will Take Place In San Francisco
The 20th Annual eBay Power Lunch with Warren Buffett will take place in San Francisco, California. The famous charity lunch is organized every year by eBay and the Glide Foundation initiative and supported by the investment tycoon. Buffett’s wife was an active member of Glide, and since her demise...
Republic of San Marino Issues Regulatory Policies on Tokens, Token Offerings
San Marino’s regents have set regulatory guidelines in their decree on blockchain technology in business, setting policy for ICOs involving security and utility tokens
Bitcoin Mining With Solar: Less Risky and More Profitable Than Selling to the Grid
The energy used to mine bitcoin has long caused debate over whether it’s a wasteful process. As the arguments have rumbled on, some people have been focused on mining coins with renewable energy. On May 29, Christian Ander, the founder of Stockholm’s Btcx exchange, explained how instead...
CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXV
I like to do these little roundups of things going on with myself, this site, and the other sites that are part of the CSS-Tricks family.
I spoke at Smashing Conf San Francisco.
There's a video! I can't embed it here because of privacy settings or something, so here's a link to the Vimeo.
Podívejte se do první restaurace, kde se vašeho jídla nedotkne člověk
První robotickou restauraci, nazvanou Creator, najdete v San Franciscu. Není zde kuchyně, objednávky zpracovává a hotové hamburgery vydává robotická linka přímo před zraky zákazníků. Další články k tématu:Když i obyčejný brok způsobí poplach. Jak se vyrábí úplně jiné brambůrky
Nečekané důsledky Trumpova shutdownu: Rypouši obsadili pláže u San Franciska
Nečekané důsledky Trumpova shutdownu: Rypouši obsadili pláže u San Franciska
Come to An Event Apart in 2019
The 2019 season for An Event Apart (the premiere web and interaction design conference) is about to kick off!
Seattle - March 4–6, 2019
Boston - May 6–8, 2019
Washington DC - July 29–31, 2019
Chicago - August 26–28, 2019
Denver - October 28–30, 2019
San Francisco - December 9–11...
Poslední sultán ztratil 80% osmanského území. Dožil v San Remu
3. července 1918 zemřel předposlední osmanský sultán Mehmed V. Nástupcem se hned druhý den stal jeho bratr Mehmed VI. Zdědil po svém sourozenci zemi v katastrofálním stavu, na pokraji fatální porážky od armád Dohody, zemi s narušenou mezinárodně-politickou pověstí, s hladomorem v některých...