
Nalezeno "view": 297

View from The Capital: Tokenizing Hashpower

By: Ryan Condron, CEO of Titan TL;DR: If you missed Titan’s presentation at The Capital, here’s a video of their presentation at The Capital and our preliminary whitepaper. It’s been some time since we presented our vision for tokenizing hashpower […] The post View from The Capital:...

How Many Websites Should We Build?

Someone emailed me: What approach to building a site should I take? Build a single responsive website Build a site on a single domain, but detect mobile, and render a separate mobile site Build a separate mobile site on a subdomain It's funny how quickly huge industry-defining conversations...

Germans Rush to Buy Gold as Draft Bill Threatens to Restrict Purchases

Reports have emerged depicting long lines in front of a physical gold sales location in Germany, in view of pending legislation which would once again lower the anonymous purchase limit, this time from €10,000 to €2,000. The last drop happened in 2017 when the limit was set...

Indian Lawmaker Says ‘Cryptocurrency Is Inevitable’

Indian Parliament member Dr. Subramanian Swamy has shared his view on cryptocurrency. Advocating for India to make the transition to crypto, he reportedly said, “cryptocurrency is inevitable.” The lawmaker will chair a conference at the UN India’s headquarters next week where...

Collective #573

Building A CSS Layout * Leonardo * React View * No to Chrome * Game accessibility and the Web Collective #573 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

RBI Governor Discusses Crypto and Central Bank Digital Currency

The governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Shaktikanta Das, spoke about cryptocurrency during a press conference on Thursday. He also talked about the prospect of an RBI-issued digital currency, when the time will be right for issuing one, and his view on private digital currencies. Also...

The Typed Object Model

I help write technical documentation and one feature I've been writing about this year that has really stood out is the Typed Object Model (or Typed OM). If you haven't come across it yet you would be forgiven as it's pretty new. It falls under the CSS Houdini suite of API's and on the surface...

More Nations Join the Club of Crypto-Friendly Jurisdictions

Regulatory barriers are a major concern for businesses working with decentralized assets. Not all governments, however, are putting obstacles in front of crypto companies. In fact the number taking a crypto-friendly stance is in fact increasing. Also read: Ukraine in a Rush to Legalize...

Preloading Pages Just Before They are Needed

The typical journey for a person browsing a website: view a page, click a link, browser loads new page. That's assuming no funny business like a Single Page App, which still follows that journey, but the browser doesn't load a new page — the client fakes it for the sake of a snappier...

An Explanation of How the Intersection Observer Watches

There have been several excellent articles exploring how to use this API, including choices from authors such as Phil Hawksworth, Preethi, and Mateusz Rybczonek, just to name a few. But I’m aiming to do something a bit different here. I had an opportunity earlier in the year to present the VueJS...

Tax Strategies For Cryptocurrency Investors To Legally Minimize Taxes

Many cryptocurrency investors and taxpayers view the tax system as a drain on their wealth. They often say, if it wasn’t for taxes, I would have more funds to accelerate the growth of my portfolio and build wealth for my […] The post Tax Strategies For Cryptocurrency Investors To Legally...

Agorism and Bitcoin: Free People Don’t Ask Maxine Waters for Permission

Anti-agorism Congressional Representative Maxine Waters still has misgivings about Facebook’s proposed Libra digital currency, even after meeting with Swiss government officials to discuss the tech last week. The sustained reservations echo the message of July’s open letter from...

Reusable Popovers to Add a Little Pop

A popover is a transient view that shows up on top of a content on the screen when a user clicks on a control button or within a defined area. For example, clicking on an info icon on a specific list item to get the item details. Typically, a popover includes an arrow pointing to the location from...

Can you view print stylesheets applied directly in the browser?

Yep. Let's take a look at how to do it in different browsers. Although note the date of this blog post. This stuff tends to change over time, so if anything here is wrong, let us know and we can update it. In Firefox... It's a little button in DevTools. So easy! Open DevTools...

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