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The All Powerful Front-End Developer

I posted a video of this talk some months back, but it was nearly an hour and a half long. Here's an updated version that I gave at JAMstack_conf that's only 30 minutes: The gist is that the front-end stack is wildly powerful these days. Our front-end skillset can be expanded to give us power...

It’s not about the device.

Ever have that, "Ugighgk, another device to support?!" feeling? Like, perhaps when you heard that wrist devices have browsers? Ethan's latest post is about that. Personally, the Apple Watch is interesting to me not because it’s a watch. Rather, it’s interesting to me because it’s...

Sayonara Edge

Sounds like Edge is going to spin down EdgeHTML, the engine that powers edge, and go with Chromium. It's not entirely clear as I write whether the browser will still be called Edge or not. Opera did this same thing in 2013. We'll surely be seeing much more information about this directly from...

Too Much Accessibility

I like to blog little veins of thought as I see them. We recently linked to an article by Facundo Corradini calling out a tweet of ours where we used an <em> where we probably should have used an <i>. Bruce Lawson checks if screen readers are the victims of these semantic...

Bridging the Gap Between CSS and JavaScript: CSS-in-JS

In this article, we’re going to dig into the concept of CSS-in-JS. If you’re already acquainted with this concept, you might still enjoy a stroll through the philosophy of that approach, and you might be even more interested in the next article. Web development is very interdisciplinary. We’re used...

Blue Beanie Day 2018

Another year! You better not cry, you better not shout, I’m telling you why: @BlueBeanieDay is coming Nov. 30! Start sharing your #bbd photos, links, articles, and videos now: #WebStandards #InclusiveDesign #ProgressiveEnhancement —...

Nesting Components in Figma

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been building our UI Kit at Gusto, where I work, and this is a Figma document that contains all of our design patterns and components so that designers on our team can hop in, go shopping for a component that they need, and then get back to working on the problem...

Embed a Blog Onto Any Website With DropInBlog

With DropInBlog, you can embed a blog into your site in only three minutes. A quick JavaScript/HTML widget, or a full-featured JSON API, is all it takes. A headless blog you can take anywhere Ever been working on your existing static site or anything that wasn’t built with WordPress, wanted...

The peculiar magic of flexbox and auto margins

In front-end development, there are often times when I know that I don’t know something. I might know enough to know what CSS to search for, but I have absolutely no idea how to use it or what the right syntax is. Somehow, in my head, there appears to be a filing cabinet that’s entirely empty,...

Stuff you can do with CSS pointer events

Martijn Cuppens (the same fella with the very weird div!) has some more irresistible CSS trickery. Three of the examples are about making a child element trigger an event on a parent element (almost like the magic that is :focus-within). Here's how I reasoned it out to myself: You know how if...

Sometimes `sizes` is quite important.

Paraphrased question from email: I just read your article Responsive Images: If you’re just changing resolutions, use srcset. In the age of "responsive websites," srcset does not help in certain situations. For example, I have a popular products slider. On mobile, I have one image per slide where...

Teaching Your Clients How to Use The Website You Built Them

I share my own thoughts on how you might go about educating someone you just built a site for. But it turns out I had a lot of fun putting together a ton of other people's thoughts as well. I tweeted about it and got a flood of responses, so this article is an amalgamation of all that. Direct...

Recent Videos!

I've recorded a decent number of videos lately, most of which are pairing with someone and digging into a topic as I glean as much information as I can! Several of these are sponsored, in that they are a part of an advertising package. Hopefully, you know me well enough that I don't work with...

Solved with CSS! Logical Styling Based on the Number of Given Elements

This post is the third in a series about the power of CSS. Article Series: Colorizing SVG Backgrounds Dropdown Menus Logical Styling Based On the Number of Given Elements (this post) Did you know that CSS is Turing complete? Did you know that you can use it to do some pretty serious logical...

Visual. Intuitive. Unlike Anything Else.

(This is a sponsored post.) is a team management tool that’s found favor with more than 34,000 teams, including teams of two to teams of 2,000+, teams working for startups, and teams working on projects for Fortune 500 companies like AOL, Adidas, Samsung, and the Discovery Channel...

Build a state management system with vanilla JavaScript

Managing state is not a new thing in software, but it’s still relatively new for building software in JavaScript. Traditionally, we’d keep state within the DOM itself or even assign it to a global object in the window. Now though, we’re spoiled with choices for libraries and frameworks to help...

Did you know that style and script tags can be set to display: block?

The other night, Amit Patel mentioned that you can set script tags in HTML to display: block with CSS and then edit that code inline with the contentEditable attribute. This means that you can then see it all update live in the browser as you type. Shortly after, Marius Gundersen replied that...

Finite State Machines with React

As JavaScript applications on the web have grown more complex, so too has the complexity of dealing with state in those applications — state being the aggregate of all the data that an application needs to perform its function. Over the last several years, there has been a ton of great...

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