
Nalezeno "Design": 1131

Four Features That I Must Insist Every Game Includes

I’ve played a lot of games in my lifetimes. I say ‘lifetimes’ because I have lived many different lives, all of which have been incredibly uneventful and have mostly revolved around playing different games.Read more

Osvětlený průvan. Skříň Fractal Design Torrent Compact RGB White

Letos na jaře představené menší skříně Fractal Design Torrent se rychle vyšvihly v testech mezi ty s nejlepším chlazením. Minimálně zakryté čelo nebrání nasávání mohutnými 18cm ventilátory, které se postarají o setrvalý průvan v celé skříni. NDA je 1. 12. 15:00, nemusí ale vyjít na čas. Prostě

Don’t Forget the Importance of Censorship Resistance

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of crypto’s unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. I’m talking about censorship...

Collective #739

State of JavaScript 2022 Survey * An Interactive Guide to Flexbox in CSS * Design Threads

Web3 Must Overcome Significant UX Challenges to Reach Mass Adoption

User experience (UX) design affects nearly every waking moment of our lives. It’s not just digital either. Have you ever thought about the UX of doors? Perhaps a brief refresher of what UX is, will help. A useful definition of UX is as follows: ”A person’s perception and responses that result from...

Zimbabwean Central Bank Launches CBDC Consumer Survey

The Zimbabwean central bank has said it is “conducting a CBDC [central bank digital currency] Consumer Survey to solicit opinions on the design and nature of the CBDC and its overall acceptance by the public.” The bank said the information obtained via this process will...

Greenspin Casino Casino is a fantastic new site that offers you the best games and generous bonuses. Their website has a green and blue theme with a very user-friendly design. You won’t have any trouble finding new games to actually play. … Continued The post <strong>Greenspin...

The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax

The Media Queries Level 4 specification has introduced a new syntax for targeting a range of viewport widths using common mathematical comparison operators, like , and =, that make more sense syntactically while writing less code for responsive web design. The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax...

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