
Nalezeno "player": 2915

Privileges a Player Gets While Playing in Online Casinos

Emerged from a small background, today’s most popular pastime in the world is Online casino gambling, which had now reached great heights. Around the world, several millions of players logon to poker or online casino gambling site almost every day to play for real money or fun and enjoy...

Eleventy Love

Been seeing a lot of Eleventy action lately. It's a smaller player in the world of static site generators, but I think it's got huge potential because of how simple it is, yet does about anything you'd need it to do. It's Just JavaScript™. Jason Lengstorf and Zach Leatherman did a Learn...

Collective #571

CSS Layout * Advent of Code 2019 * DrumBot * Better Web List * The State of UX in 2020 * Binary Music Player Collective #571 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Making an Audio Waveform Visualizer with Vanilla JavaScript

As a UI designer, I’m constantly reminded of the value of knowing how to code. I pride myself on thinking of the developers on my team while designing user interfaces. But sometimes, I step on a technical landmine. A few years ago, as the design director of, I was helping to re-design...

Crypto-Games to Expand With New Player-Focused Features

Disclaimer: The text below is a sponsored article. _________ Launched in 2014, the platform has been working on achieving synergy between online gambling and the emerging cryptocurrency technology for five years now. This online gaming website allows its users to use various...

As long as I can remember the main source for feature support in HTML email clients is Campaign Monitor's guide. Now there is a new player on the block: HTML email is often joked about in how you have to code for it in such an antiquated way (<table>s! really!) but that's...

Playing to Win: Earn Crypto via CoinPoker's Referrals

Disclaimer: The text below is a sponsored article. _________ Cryptocurrency poker platform CoinPoker has launched yet another set of features designed to promote earning opportunities for both its new and veteran players. While the platform’s new features usually work in concert with one another...

Flash Player obsahuje nebezpečnou trhlinu

Prakticky libovolný škodlivý kód mohou počítačoví piráti propašovat na počítače s operačními systémy Windows, Linux či macOS. Týká se to však pouze strojů, na kterých je nainstalovaný program Flash Player, tedy svého času jeden z nejpopulárnějších programů pro přehrávání videí na internetu

Konec jedné éry: Adobe posílá na věčnost svůj Shockwave Player

Adobe na oficiálních stránkách podpory oznámilo, že s účinností od 9. dubna tohoto roku ukončuje svůj Shockwave Player pro Windows. Po tomto datu již nebude aplikace k dispozici. Firmy, jež mají zakoupené licence Enterprise pro tento produkt, budou nadále dostávat podporu až do skončení stávajících

Microsoft odstavuje Windows Media Center. A na kahánku má i Windows Media Player

Windows Media Center je prostředí, kterým chtěl Microsoft dostat operační systém do obýváků. Nadstavba pro Windows umožňovala pohodlné ovládání dálkovým ovladačem a přístup k multimediálnímu obsahu v počítači. Prostředí už není od nástupu Windows 10 dále vyvíjeno, nyní mu končí podpora online

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