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Unsuck It

Julia Carrie Wong and Matthew Cantor's How to speak Silicon Valley: 53 essential tech-bro terms explained was pretty hilarious. A little something in there to offend everyone. Speaking of kinda douchey words, I'm reminded of one of my favorite sites on the internet: Unsuck It. Not only does...

Pseudo Code

Yonatan Doron wrote a post on Medium not long ago called "Art of Code — Why you should write more Pseudo Code." Love that title, as a fan of pseudo code myself. That is, writing "code" that describes something you want to do or communicate, but that isn't of any particular language and doesn't...

Zoom, CORS, and the Web

It's sorta sad by funny that that big Zoom vulnerability thing was ultimately related to web technology and not really the app itself. There is this idea of custom protocols or "URL schemes." So, like gittower:// or dropbox:// or whatever. A native app can register them, then URLs that hit them...

Indian Government Unveils Draft Crypto Bill Ahead of Supreme Court Hearing

The Indian government has officially released the report by the interministerial committee tasked with proposing crypto measures. The announcement came one day before the country’s supreme court was scheduled to hear the writ petitions against the crypto banking restriction. The report...

PR: FuzeW Launches Special BCH Cold Wallet Summer Promo

Fuze W announces that it will hold a promotion to offer discount coupons to readers who purchase the Fuze W as a special event for summer. The promotion will last until July 31, and can be purchased at a discount of more than 20 percent off the Fuze W hardware cold wallet when paid with...

Privacy Is a Human Right Worth Fighting For

Privacy is a basic human right. It’s there in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence.” Attaining that right in an era of dragnet surveillance, mass data breaches, state-sponsored hacks...

CSS :not() with Multiple Classes

Say you want to select an element when it doesn't have a certain class. That's what the :not() selector is for. body:not(.home) { } But what if there are multiple classes you want to avoid? There are no logical combinators with :not(), like and or or, but you can chain them, which...

Honestnode Founder Discusses the First Stablecoin Built on Bitcoin Cash

On June 12, the Honestnode team announced the release of a new stablecoin project built on top of the Bitcoin Cash network called Honestcoin (USDH). The new token was made using the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) and recently launched on the cryptocurrency trading platform Coinex. This week...

The Myth of Authority: Mnuchin Denies USD Is Used Criminally

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has once again weighed in on bitcoin, claiming the U.S. dollar has not been used to finance “nefarious” activity on a recent episode of CNBC’s Squawk Box. Democratic House Representative Maxine Waters also dropped a tasty nugget of...

A Beginner’s Journey to Launching a Website

In September 2018, I was just a few months into my journey of learning web development. As I'm sure is the case with many new developers, it was a big task for me to learn not only the basic skills required, but also keeping current with the fast-moving industry. Just as I was getting to the level...

CSS Animation Libraries

There are an awful lot of libraries that want to help you animate things on the web. These aren't really libraries that help you with the syntax or the technology of animations, but rather are grab-and-use as-is libraries. Want to apply a class like "animate-flip-up" and watch an element, uhhh...

How Big Hydro Power Partners With Bitcoin Miners to Prevent Energy Waste

We are often told that the verification of bitcoin transactions eats a lot of energy. The largely inaccurate comparison to a small country, the size of Ireland or Denmark, is evoked thanks to numerous clickbait headlines. What mainstream media fails to explain, however, is that bitcoin mining...

PR: Folgory Launches Mobile App and Regulated Crypto Exchange

Folgory, the fully integrated app and trading exchange launches to bring a range of services to crypto users. The intellectual and logistical demands of trading crypto currency have hitherto been tricky at best, complex at worst. Folgory has created an easy to integrate and manage solution designed...

Deutsche Bank Collapse Could Crash Global Financial Markets

German financial services giant Deutsche Bank AG is one of the largest and most important economic institutions in the world. Mainly due to self-imposed scandals, the bank is now having to taking drastic measures to stay afloat. Investors everywhere should note that if such a critical piece of...

How the Blockchain Stops Cheaters: Cryptocurrency and Provably Fair Gaming

Online casinos and betting sites have proliferated since the first of their kind came on the scene in 1994. Thanks to the convenience of playing from home, the allure of winning real money, and a degree of privacy, these popular sites continue to evolve. There have been major problems, though...

Crypto Bullishness Spreads on Capitol Hill

U.S. Congress has shown that it is starting to care about cryptocurrency as a number of lawmakers spoke up in favor of it this week. “The world Satoshi Nakamoto had envisioned is an unstoppable force” and “there’s no capacity to kill bitcoin” are some of the comments...

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