GitHub omezuje účty vývojářů se sídlem v Íránu, Sýrii, Severní Koreji, na Kubě a Krymu
GitHub omezil účty vývojářům ze zemí, na které USA uvalily sankce • Týká se to Krymu, Kuby, Íránu, Severní Korey a Sýrie • Vývojáři se tak musí potýkat s velmi nepříjemnou situací
Lessons Learned from a Year of Testing the Web Platform
Mike Pennisi:
The web-platform-tests project is a massive suite of tests (over one million in total) which verify that software (mostly web browsers) correctly implement web technologies. It’s as important as it is ambitious: the health of the web depends on a plurality of interoperable...
Crypto Community Calls for Decentralized Login and Storage System, As GitHub Bans Iranian Developers
Iranian software developers wake on Sunday to only find that they have been blocked by GitHub, citing the ongoing sanctions on their country by the United States. The world of crypto also seems to be worried and has called for a decentralized alternative to avoid such cruelties. Blockstack...
David DeSandro has loads of super cool JavaScript libraries he's created over the years. His latest is Zdog, a "round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG." It's only been about a month since he dropped it (although, like any good library, it's been simmering) and it...
Už žádné nahotinky! Github zakázal zveřejňovat zdrojové kódy DeepNude
Na konci června se parta programátorů z Estonska pochlubila aplikací, která dokáže dotvořit nahá těla ženám na fotografii. Účel aplikace je tedy dosti pochybný, technologie samotná je ale zajímavá. Autoři tak jádro umístili na Github, ten jej ale stáhl a zároveň blokuje všechny další pokusy
PSA: Linking to a Code of Conduct Template is Not the Same as Having a Code of Conduct
Did you know we have a site that lists all upcoming conferences related to front-end web design and development? We do! If you're looking to go to one, check it out. If you're running one, feel free to submit yours.
Now that we're running this, I've got loads of Pull Requests for conferences...
Haunted: Hooks for Web Components
I was just chatting with Dave and he told me about Haunted. It's hooks, but for native web components! Pretty cool. I think the existence of stuff like this makes using web components more and more palatable — particularly in that totally-native no-build-step-needed-at-all kinda way.
Trying the New WSL 2. It's Fast! (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
Windows Subsystem for Linux is the tool that was released by Microsoft to get a full UNIX system inside of Windows. Microsoft has put in some good initiatives for developers after purchasing GitHub
Facebook’s Libra Crypto Code Draws Critiques and Clones
Would-be coders and eager trolls are digging into the early code for Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency
Microsoft zakázal zaměstnancům používat konkurenční produkty. Patří k nim Slack, Google Docs i Github
Rivalita mezi technologickými firmami není nic nového, nyní ale Microsoft dospěl ke kroku, kdy svým zaměstnancům zakázal či „nedoporučil“ používání konkrétních služeb. Obejít se tak budou muset bez Slacku, nedoporučuje se používání Google Dokumentů, Amazon Web Services a dalších. Ve výčtu paradoxně
Managing State in React using Unstated-Next
In a previous post, we saw how to manage state using Unstated. As you might recall, Unstated uses React’s built-in setState to allow you create components that can consume state by subscribing to a provider — like the React’s Context API.
Well, we’re going to build off that last post by looking...
Game of Thrones Quiz Game with React and GraphQL: Setting up a React App
To get started, we will use create-react-app to bootstrap our application. To create the application using the create-react app CLI, run:
Less Than 5% of Crypto Code Commits on Github Made By Women: Report
Less than 5% of the code committed to the top 100 cryptocurrency projects on Github were contributed by women
Michael Ford Named Newest Bitcoin Core Code Maintainer
Long-time Bitcoin Core contributor Michael Ford has been named the newest maintainer of the open-source software project
How to Use the Web Share API
The Web Share API is one that has seemingly gone under the radar since it was first introduced in Chrome 61 for Android. In essence, it provides a way to trigger the native share dialog of a device (or desktop, if using Safari) when sharing content — say a link or a contact card — directly from...
Creating Animations Using React Spring
Have you ever needed animation in your React application? Traditionally, implementing animation has not an easy feat to accomplish. But now, thanks to Paul Henschel, we there’s a new React tool just for that. react-spring inherits from animated and react-motion for interpolations, optimized...
Meet the Multi-Level Security With Multi-Signature Support In The New Exa Wallet
On 3rd June, Monero made an announcement on Twitter about the launch of its multi-signature backed Exa Crypto Wallet. It is a mobile wallet that is rich with a lot of features. The company has released the first main-net version of the mobile crypto wallet. iOS and Android Platforms and...
Telegram Launches Test Client Officially For Its Telegram Open Network
As per the latest reports, Telegram has launched a Test Network Lite Client officially for its Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain. Telegram is known for offering instant messaging service, which is popular due to its encrypted nature. All the files related to TON Test Network Blockchain Lite...
Class Components in Vue are No Longer Happening
An upcoming Vue update was set to have classes implemented. In React and Angular, we can create components u
Unconfirmed: Telegram’s TON Testnet Blockchain Light Client Uploaded to GitHub
The Telegram Open Network light client testnet has been seemingly uploaded by a GitHub user