
Nalezeno "US Properties": 301

New ES2018 Features Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

The ninth edition of the ECMAScript standard, officially known as ECMAScript 2018 (or ES2018 for short), was released in June 2018. Starting with ES2016, new versions of ECMAScript specifications are released yearly rather than every several years and add fewer features than major editions used...

Toggling Animations On and Off

A nicely detailed tutorial by Kirupa that gets into how you might provide a UI with persisted options that control whether animations run or not. The trick is custom properties that control the movement: body { --toggle: 0; --playState: "paused"; } Which are used within animations...

Styling a Web Component

This confused me for a bit here so I'm writing it out while it's fresh in mind. Just because you're using a web component doesn't mean the styles of it are entirely isolated. You might have content within a web component that is styled normally along with the rest of your website. Like this: See...

An Initial Implementation of clip-path: path();

One thing that has long surprised (and saddened) me is that the clip-path property, as awesome as it is, only takes a few values. The circle() and ellipse() functions are nice, but hiding overflows and rounding with border-radius generally helps there already. Perhaps the most useful value...

People Talkin’ Shapes

Codrops has a very nice article on CSS Shapes from Tania Rascia. You might know shape-outside is for redefining the area by which text is floated around that element, allowing for some interesting design opportunities. But there are a couple of genuine CSS tricks in here: Float shape-outside...

Google Fonts and font-display

The font-display descriptor in @font-face blocks is really great. It goes a long way, all by itself, for improving the perceived performance of web font loading. Loading web fonts is tricky stuff and having a tool like this that works as well as it does is a big deal for the web. It's such a...

A CSS Venn Diagram

This is pretty wild: Adrian Roselli has made a series of rather complex Venn diagrams using nothing but CSS. With a combination of the Firefox dev inspector, plus a mixture of CSS Grid and the shape-outside property, it’s possible to do this and without a ton of hacks, too. I also think it’s super...

Keep Math in the CSS

There is a sentiment that leaving math calculations in your CSS is a good idea that I agree with. This is for math that you could calculate at authoring time, but specifically chose not to. For instance, if you needed a 7-column float-based grid (don't ask), it's cleaner and more intuitive: .col...

Google Labs Web Components

I think it's kinda cool to see Google dropping repos of interesting web components. It demonstrates the possibilities of cool new web features and allows them to ship them in a way that's compatible with entirely web standards. Here's one: <two-up> I wanted to give it a try, so I linked...

DRY State Switching With CSS Variables: Fallbacks and Invalid Values

This is the second post in a two-part series that looks into the way CSS variables can be used to make the code for complex layouts and interactions less difficult to write and a lot easier to maintain. The first installment walks through various use cases where this technique applies. This post...

DRY Switching with CSS Variables: The Difference of One Declaration

This is the first post of a two-part series that looks into the way CSS variables can be used to make the code for complex layouts and interactions less difficult to write and a lot easier to maintain. This first installment walks through various use cases where this technique applies. The second...

The div that looks different in every browser

It's not that Martijn Cuppens used User Agent sniffing, CSS hacks, or anything like that to make this quirk div. This is just a plain ol' <div> using the outline property a la: div { inset 100px green; outline-offset: -125px; } It looks different in different browsers because browsers...

1 Element CSS Rainbow Gradient Infinity

I first got the idea to CSS something of the kind when I saw this gradient infinity logo by Infographic Paradise. The gradient doesn't look like in the original illustration, as I chose to generate the rainbow logically instead of using the Dev Tools picker or something like that, but other than...

3 Useful TypeScript Tips for Angular

These are the 3 tips I found pretty handy while working with Typescript: Eliminating the need to import interfaces Making all interface properties optional Stop throw

Dark theme in a day

Marcin Wichary has written a great piece that dives into how he used CSS Variables to create a night mode and high contrast theme in an app. There’s so many neat tricks about how to use CSS Variables (Chris has also looked at theming) as well as how to organize them (Andras Galante has...

Custom List Number Styling

How about a classic CSS trick! This isn't even so tricky anymore, since CSS has counter-increment and counter-reset and such that is perfect for this. I just wanted to make sure you knew how it works and had some easy-to-copy examples at the ready. Let's say all you wanna do is style the dang...

Collective #416

Responsive tables, revisited * Screely * Working Type * backdrop-filter * Dumb React * A Strategy Guide To CSS Custom Properties Collective #416 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

A Strategy Guide To CSS Custom Properties

CSS preprocessor variables and CSS custom properties (often referred to as "CSS variables") can do some of the same things, but are not the same. Practical advice from Mike Riethmuller: If it is alright to use static variables inside components, when should we use custom properties? Converting...

CSS Environment Variables

We were all introduced to the env() function in CSS when all that drama about "The Notch" and the iPhone X was going down. The way that Apple landed on helping us move content away from those "unsafe" areas was to provide us essentially hard-coded variables to use: padding: ...

Grid to Flex

Una Kravets shows how to make layouts in CSS Grid with flexbox fallbacks for browsers that don’t support those grid properties just yet. Una writes: CSS grid is AMAZING! However, if you need to support users of IE11 and below, or Edge 15 and below, grid won't really work as you expect...This site...

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