
Nalezeno "post": 31478

Color contrast accessibility tools

Accessibility is all the rage these days, specifically when it comes to color contrast. I’ve stumbled upon a couple of tools this week that I think are pretty nifty for helping make sure that all of the text on our websites is legible regardless of what background color they might have. First...

Using the Grid Shepherd Technique to Order Data with CSS

Shepherds are good at tending to their sheep, bringing order and structure to their herds. Even if there are hundreds of those wooly animals, a shepherd still herds them back to the farm at the end of the day. When dealing with data, programmers often don't know if it is correctly filtered...

How to Easily Convert Funds From BTC to BCH

Converting funds from one cryptocurrency to another using an exchange can be costly and time consuming, especially if you don’t already have a verified account at one. Luckily there are much faster and convenient ways, such as switching from BTC to BCH right inside the Wallet app....

Honest Nodes Spoiling a Theft Attempt Is Not a 51% Attack, BCH Devs Detail

A number of Bitcoin Cash detractors and media publications have recently been spreading a false narrative that the BCH network was ‘51% attacked.’ In reality, however, honest nodes used their hashrate to stave off attacker nodes that were attempting to steal funds on the network. Also...

PR: BitcoinHD Launches New POC Consensus

One of the most influential blockchain conferences – Consensus 2019 – has just ended. Leading figures from all over the worlds of business and technology are still discussing the stories that emerged during the event, on the blockchain market, tech development and more. The post PR: BitcoinHD...


You're faced with a lot of decisions in everyday work. There are multiple tasks calling for your focus, and you can burn daylight or even burn out trying to decide what comes first. There's a phenomenon called decision fatigue. There have been many studies that you can make poor choices when you're...

Night Mode with Mix Blend Mode: Difference

Dark mode designs are all the rage right now but here’s an interesting take: Wei Gao has built a night mode on her own site that uses mix-blend-mode: difference to create an effect that looks like this: Wei explains how she implemented this technique and the edge cases she encountered along...

How to Create a Bitcoin Cash Treasure Hunt

Creating a treasure hunt is a great way to introduce newcomers to the concept of cryptocurrency and to its actual application. It will teach them some of the basics like how a wallet works and give the finders their first few coins. Also Read: Massive Growth by P2P Exchange and AT&T Accepting...

China Releases New Crypto Rankings

China’s Center for Information and Industry Development has released its latest rankings of 35 crypto projects that were evaluated over the past two months. While several top positions remain unchanged, Bitcoin has climbed up the overall ranking. Also read: Indian Supreme Court Postpones...

How Crypto-Based Microfinance Benefits Small Businesses

Starting your own business isn’t easy given the reluctance of banks to grant credit. Gone are the days when a compelling business plan would be enough to have the branch manager shaking your hand and bankrolling your venture. For entrepreneurs in developing nations, where even obtaining...

Bitcoin Cash Privacy Has Improved in Leaps and Bounds

Over the last few years, privacy has become of great importance to digital asset enthusiasts as law enforcement has cracked down on money transmitters, seized coin shuffling services, and blockchain analysis has increased significantly. To thwart this, some bitcoiners have turned to mixing...

Buysellhodl Aggregates Price Predictions From Traders Like You

Any transitional period is characterized with uncertainty and crypto investors would appreciate to have some clues as to where the markets are going from here. Often the expectations of other traders are the best indicator. Buysellhodl is a platform that can give you predictions based on...

Bogota’s EXMA 2019 Will Feature Bitcoin Cash Payments at Home Burgers

At this year’s EXMA conference in Bogota on May 27-28, attendees will find that payment processor Pagos Inteligentes will allow bitcoin cash (BCH) payments at Home Burgers inside the Movistar Arena. The EXMA event is one of the biggest entrepreneurship conferences in Latin America and Pagos...

These Tourist Destinations Welcome Bitcoin Cash Enthusiasts

Spending during the holiday season should be easy but borders, physical and financial, often complicate matters. A world currency that can travel with you and is widely accepted sounds like a good idea. Among cryptocurrencies, bitcoin cash is an ideal candidate, with its low fees and instant... Launches Free Bitcoin Cash Register Platform for iOS Devices

About a month ago, launched its free point-of-sale solution, Bitcoin Cash Register, for Android operating systems. This week our developers have released Bitcoin Cash Register for iOS mobile phones allowing any merchant with an Apple device to accept bitcoin cash payments. Also read:...

Facebook Globalcoin: Bitcoin Killer or Bitcoin Multiplier?

It may sound like a 2014-era shitcoin, but Globalcoin is this year’s most anticipated new digital asset. It doesn’t matter that it’s not decentralized, not permissionless, and not even crypto. The only question that really matters is what does Facebook’s currency spell...

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