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CSS Environment Variables

We were all introduced to the env() function in CSS when all that drama about "The Notch" and the iPhone X was going down. The way that Apple landed on helping us move content away from those "unsafe" areas was to provide us essentially hard-coded variables to use: padding: ...

Script & Style Show: Episode 9: What’s in the News

In this episode:  David reveals his tree-falling-into-house nightmare, but quickly moves onto recent news, like the massive release of Dojo 2, EU privacy, service workers landing in all major browsers (finally Edge!), this tweet, and more!   The post Script & Style Show: Episode...

Inspecting Animations in DevTools

I stumbled upon the Animation panel in Chrome’s DevTools the other day and almost jumped out of my seat with pure joy. Not only was I completely unaware that such a thing exists, but it was better than what I could’ve hoped: it lets you control and manipulate CSS animations and visualize...

Responsive Knockout Text With Looping Video

Here’s an idea! Let’s make an an HTML <video> play inside the shape of some letters. Like "Knockout Text" except instead of an image behind, it’s video. A live demo will explain more clearly: See the Pen basic pen by Giulio Mainardi (@mgiulio) on CodePen. A key objective here is to develop...

​Incapsula DDoS Resiliency Score

(This is a sponsored post.) These free training courses from Incapsula give you the technical knowledge and skills to accelerate your website and optimize content delivery. Website Performance Mastery Starts Here in a fun, quiz-based online format, these free training courses give you the technical...

Managing Heading Levels In Design Systems

Heydon Pickering looks into how to give a React component a certain heading (like <h1>, <h2>, etc.) depending on its context and thereby ensure that the DOM is still perfectly accessible for screen readers. Why is using the right heading important though? Heydon writes in...

IP Geolocation with ipstack (Sponsored)

Knowing where your web visitor is located is an incredible advantage to any website; you can show relative content like maps, pricing, and availability, output your content in their likely language, etc — I cannot overstate how useful that information is.  Of course we have the HTML5...

Container-Adapting Tabs With “More” Button

Or the priority navigation pattern, or progressively collapsing navigation menu. We can name it in at least three ways. There are multiple UX solutions for tabs and menus and each of them have their own advantages over another, you just need to pick the best for the case you are trying to solve....

Wakamai Fondue

Roel Nieskens released a tool that lets you upload a font file and see what’s inside, from how many characters it contains to the number of languages it supports. Here’s what you see once you upload a font, in this case Covik Sans Mono Black: Why is this data useful? Well, I used this tool just...

Solved With CSS! Dropdown Menus

A common UI pattern that we see on the web are dropdown menus. They’re used to display related information in pieces, without overwhelming the user with buttons, text, and options. Somewhere that we see these a lot is inside of headers or navigation areas on websites. Let’s see if we can make...

Change Python Version

Python plays a major role at Mozilla; much of our website backends and tooling are written in the powerful language.  Want to build Firefox?  You’ll need to make sure you have the proper Python version, which I recently found out had been upgraded. Despite installing and verifying I had...

Animating Progress

Jonathan Snook on the complexity of animating the <progress> element. If you’re unfamiliar, that’s the element that spits out a bar chart-like visual that indicates a position between two values: This example has custom styles, but you get the point. Jonathan's post shows off a method...

Finger-friendly numerical inputs with `inputmode`

Forms are often a nightmare on mobile. We can make the process as pain-free as possible by reacting to context. Input fields that expect numerical values should have a numerical UI. Bringing up a number keyboard on small screens is easy on most platforms — just use a <input...

Practical Jokes in the Browser

I know April Fool’s Day is at the beginning of this month, but hey, now you’ve got a year to prepare. Not to mention a gool ol’ practical joke can be done anytime. Fair warning on this stuff… you gotta be tasteful. Putting someone’s stapler in the jello is pretty hilarious unless it’s somehow...

CSS Blocks

A new entry into the CSS-in-JS landscape! Looks like the idea is that you write an individual CSS file for every component. You have to work in components, that's how the whole thing works. In the same isle as styled-components, css-modules, and glamorous. Then you write :scope { } which is...

Radial Gradient Recipes

Radial gradients are pretty dang cool. It's amazing we can paint the background of an element with them so easily. Easily is a relative term though. It's certainly easier than needing to create a graphic in third-party software to use as the background, and the syntax is highly learnable. But it's...

​Level Up Your JavaScript Error Monitoring

(This is a sponsored post.) Automatically detect and diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag without changing your code or adding try/catch blocks. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in a fraction of the time compared...

10 nejzávažnějších zranitelností webových aplikací podle OWASP

Útoků na webové aplikace neustále přibývá. Rostoucí počet uživatelů, komplexnější aplikace a nové postupy s sebou nesou nová rizika. OWASP proto aktualizoval seznam deseti nejnebezpečnějších zranitelnosti webových aplikací dneška. Znáte je všechny?

Understanding React `setState`

React components can, and often do, have state. State can be anything, but think of things like whether a user is logged in or not and displaying the correct username based on which account is active. Or an array of blog posts. Or if a modal is open or not and which tab within it is active. React...

Reset File Changes with git

There are many different philosophies when it comes to code review but mine is fairly simple:  I like receiving early “work in progress” patches, I like to be positive in my code review messages, and if a patch is 90% there, I like to finish the patch myself so the project...

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