Chraňte svůj tablet před viry a hackery a za odměnu si zahrajte
Bezpečnostní rizika dnes číhají i na majitele mobilních zařízení, takže jsme do dnešního přehledu zařadili i antivirovou aplikaci, která se postará i o ochranu před internetovými stránkami s nebezpečným obsahem. Další aplikace se postarají třeba o hudební zábavu nebo kontrolu rychlosti připojení...
Hacker, Hack Thyself
We've read so many sad stories about communities that were fatally compromised or destroyed due to security exploits. We took that lesson to heart when we founded the Discourse project; we endeavor to build open source software that is secure and safe for communities by default, even if there are
Let's Encrypt Everything
I'll admit I was late to the HTTPS party.
But post Snowden, and particularly after the result of the last election here in the US, it's clear that everything on the web should be encrypted by default.
You have an unalienable right to privacy, both in the real world
MaidSafe COO Reflects on Lessons Learned from Crowdsale
The company is working to increase Internet security, and has learned some valuable lessons in the process