
Nalezeno "URL": 67

Monitoring Lighthouse Scores and Core Web Vitals with DebugBear

DebugBear takes just a few seconds to start using. You literally point it at a URL you want to watch, and it’ll start watching it. You install nothing. It’ll start running tests, and you’ve immediately got performance charts you can … The post Monitoring Lighthouse Scores...


I like a good trick. What if… a URL was… a promise… that fetched said URL? ={ console.log(response); }); That’s what @justjavac did with JavaScript Proxys. A clever trick, that. Don’t @ me about the practicality. Trick… The post...

The `ping` attribute on anchor links

I didn’t know this was a thing until Stefan Judis’s post: <a href="" ping=""Read popular posts</a You give an anchor link a URL via a ping attribute, and the browser will hit that URL with a...

Lazy Load Routes in Vue with webpack Dynamic Comments

The way routing works in JavaScript is usually that you specify which relative URL pattern you want for which component to render. So for /about you want the <About /> component to render. Let’s take a look at how to … The post Lazy Load Routes in Vue with webpack Dynamic Comments...

Automatic Social Share Images

It’s a pretty low-effort thing to get a big fancy link preview on social media. Toss a handful of specific <meta> tags on a URL and you get a big image-title-description thing. Here’s Twitter’s version of an article on this … The post Automatic Social Share Images...

clipPath vs. mask

These things are so similar, I find it hard to keep them straight. This is a nice little explanation from viewBox (what a cool name and URL, I hope they keep it up). The big thing is that clipPath (the element in SVG, as well as clip-path in CSS) is vector and when it is applied, whatever you...

Cloudinary Fetch with Eleventy (Respecting Local Development)

This is about a wildly specific combination of technologies — Eleventy, the static site generator, with pages with images on them that you ultimately want hosted by Cloudinary — but I just wanna document it as it sounds like a decent amount of people run into this situation. The deal: Cloudinary...

10 Amazing Media Tricks Made Possibly by Cloudinary (Sponsored)

Cloudinary is my go-to place for transforming and optimizing media before delivery. By simply modifying the URL of an image or video, you can customize its size, presentation, Instagram-like filtering, and various other aspects. I previously posted about the 10 excellent image tricks...

Netlify Edge Handlers

Some very cool news from Netlify: Edge Handlers are in Early Access (request it here). I think these couple of lines of code do a great job in explaining what an Edge Handler is: export function onRequest(event) { console.log(`Incoming request for ${event.request.url}`); ...

Chapter 2: Browsers

Previously in web history… Sir Tim Berners-Lee creates the technologies behind the web — HTML, HTTP, and the URL which blend hypertext with the Internet — with a small team at CERN. He convinces the higher-ups in the organizations to put the web in the public domain so anyone can...

On Adding IDs to Headers

Here’s a two-second review. If an element has an ID, you can link to it with natural browser behavior. It’s great if headings have them, because it’s often useful to link directly to a specific section of content. <h3 id="step-2"Step 2</a Should I be so inclined, I could...

Jumping Into Webmentions With NextJS (or Not)

Webmention is a W3C recommendation last published on January 12, 2017. And what exactly is a Webmention? It’s described as… […] a simple way to notify any URL when you mention it on your site. From the receiver’s perspective, it’s a way to request notifications when other sites...

The Fastest Google Fonts

When you use font-display: swap;, which Google Fonts does when you use the default &display=swap part of the URL , you’re already saying, “I’m cool with FOUT,” which is another way of saying web text is displayed right away, and when the web font is ready...

Equal Width Columns in CSS Grid are Kinda Weird

Everything is flexible these days. If you write grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px;, sure, you’d have equal-width columns, but that’s a rare day. What you usually mean is three columns of equal fluid width. We’ve got fractional units for that, like grid-template-columns:...

Static Hoisting

The other day in “Static or not?” I said: […] serving HTML from a CDN is some feat. What I meant is that serving resources like images, CSS, and JavaScript from a CDN is fairly straightforward. The industry at large has been doing that for many years. An asset with a URL can...

Fake Code

Here’s a fun little idea from Knut Synstad. You give it the URL of a GitHub Gist and it converts the Gist into grayscale rounded blobs (SVG) that sorta look like code if you squint. Maybe fun for interesting dynamic backgrounds or for whatever you might use code-looking stock art for. It...

Pseudo-Randomly Adding Illustrations with CSS

Between each post of Eric Meyer’s blog there’s this rather lovely illustration that can randomly be one of these five options: Eric made each illustration into a separate background image then switches out that image with the nth-of-type CSS property, like this: .entry:nth-of-type(2n+1)::before...

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