
Nalezeno "W3C": 34

Na webu mohou zmizet klasická hesla. W3C uznalo standard WebAuthn

Už dávno se ví, že přihlašovaní pomocí uživatelských hesel není zcela bezpečný způsob. Tento problém se snaží řešit standard Web Authentication (zkráceně WebAuthn), který umožňuje přihlašování pomocí odlišných metod. Existuje dlouho, ale až tento týden jej konsorcium W3C dokončilo a uznalo jako

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): seznamte se, prosím

Doporučení WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Směrnice o přístupnosti webového obsahu) aktuálně ve verzi 2.1 představuje v současné době nejrozšířenější a celosvětově uznávanou metodiku tvorby přístupného (nejen webového) obsahu. Za jeho vytvořením stojí pracovní skupina WAI v rámci...

Using the Little-Known CSS element() Function to Create a Minimap Navigator

W3C’s CSS Working Group often gives us brilliant CSS features to experiment with. Sometimes we come across something so cool that sticks a grin on our face, but it vanishes right away because we think, “that’s great, but what do I do with it?” The element() function was like that for me. It’s a...

HTML5 – Check it Before you Wreck it with Mike[tm] Smith

The W3C’s Mike[tm] Smith (AKA @sideshowbarker) is the man with his head in the W3C validation markup checking tool source code; he makes the magic happen.  Questions were asked for the HTML5 Doctor reader’s delight and edification. Russian Translation: Не проверив HTML5-кода, не суйся...

HTML5 – Check it Before you Wreck it with Mike[tm] Smith

The W3C’s Mike[tm] Smith (AKA @sideshowbarker) is the man with his head in the W3C validation markup checking tool source code; he makes the magic happen.  Questions were asked for the HTML5 Doctor reader’s delight and edification. Russian Translation: Не проверив HTML5-кода, не суйся...

The ride to 5

Forwards In recent weeks I contacted around 40 people, a cross section of those who have banged away at, or banged on about, HTML5. I asked them for their perspectives on HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Below are the words of the 28 people who responded, pretty much in the order they hit...

The ride to 5

Forwards In recent weeks I contacted around 40 people, a cross section of those who have banged away at, or banged on about, HTML5. I asked them for their perspectives on HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Below are the words of the 28 people who responded, pretty much in the order they hit...

The W3C App Manifest specification

By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.)...

The W3C App Manifest specification

By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.)...

Using ARIA in HTML

ARIA (WAI-ARIA if you want to be formal) is a set of attributes that you can add to HTML elements. These attributes communicate role, state and property semantics to assistive technologies via the accessibility APIs implemented in browsers. The W3C HTML specification provides information about...

Using ARIA in HTML

ARIA (WAI-ARIA if you want to be formal) is a set of attributes that you can add to HTML elements. These attributes communicate role, state and property semantics to assistive technologies via the accessibility APIs implemented in browsers. The W3C HTML specification provides information about...

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