Hardcore Halo Infinite Fans Are Frustrated With State Of Shooter Despite Updates, Events
Yesterday, Halo Infinite’s samurai-themed “Fracture: Tenrai” event returned for a third round, looking much like it did for its second outing. For some players, it’s another excuse to hop into a fun event with meaningful rewards. But for others, it’s an underbaked game spinning its wheels.Read more
Hardcore Media, the Biggest Entertainment Platform, Announced Sale of Hardcoin, Its Native Token
The biggest entertainment platform, Hardcore Media in Dubai, UAE, is going to launch its crypto sales, HARDcoin. The token will be available to make internal payments in the Hardcore ecosystem involving MMA and fist-fighting league, its native marketplace, and about $2 million YouTube channels....
Podívejte, jaké to je ztratit během pár sekund jedenáct let postupu hrou
Streamer vystupující pod přezdívkou btecbill_ přišel kvůli chvilkové nepozornosti o rekordní uloženou pozici ve hře Minecraft. Svoji postavu tam držel při životě přesně 4 317 dní, což je více než 11 let
Native JavaScript Routing?
We can update the URL in JavaScript. We’ve got these APIs:
// Adds to browser history
history.pushState({}, "About Page", "/about");
// Doesn't
history.replaceState({}, "About Page", "/about");
JavaScript is also capable of replacing any content in the DOM....
Breath Of The Wild Fans Are Competing To Nail The Biggest Combo
So you can do consistent flurry rushes in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, huh? Big whoop. Arguably, you’re not even playing the same game as the BotW fans who have mastered the combat well beyond Nintendo’s intended gameplay.Read more
fit-content and fit-content()
Here’s some hardcore deep-dive CSS nerdery from PPK. If you can wrap your mind around min-content (the smallest an element can be based on the content it contains) and max-content (the largest the content of an element can push it) …
The post fit-content and fit-content() appeared...
Hardcore Military Sim ArmA 3 Getting Huge Vietnam Campaign
There aren’t many games that are seriously based on the Vietnam War, mostly because, thanks to the terrain and the politics, it’s an incredibly difficult conflict to simulate. The upcoming S.O.G. Prairie Fire, however, is looking to change that.Read more
KVÍZ: Říká vám něco Mortal Kombat? Pozor, obtížnost je hardcore
Souboj na život a na smrt. Souboj, při kterém létají vzduchem vnitřnosti, zní děsivé zvuky lámajících se kostí a krev teče po hektolitrech. Zároveň také souboj, při kterém jste se už nesčetněkrát královsky bavili
Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn’t Built for Payments, Isn’t Peer-to-Peer
As Director of Business Development for popular crypto exchange Kraken, when Dan Held speaks, people listen. As such, his recent 46-tweet diatribe on why the “payments narrative” for bitcoin is flawed grabbed the attention of many, tickling the ears of hardcore Lighting Network fans...
European Crypto Exchange Bitbay Ends Monero Trading due to Anonymity Features
Authorities around the world are trying to stamp out online anonymity in various ways, sacrificing users’ privacy for alleged security. One of these ways is forcing digital asset exchanges to drop support for some cryptos, as European venue Bitbay is now the latest to do with monero. Also...
The Many Facts Pointing to Hal Being Satoshi
The identity of Bitcoin’s pseudonymous founder is the subject of endless and dedicated speculation among the hardcore crypto crowd, and for good reason: the mystery truly is enticing. While the oft-cited candidates are many, there’s something special about avid runner, cypherpunk...
Bitcoin Maximalists Embrace Ethereum After Receiving an Offer They Can’t Refuse
A group of hardcore bitcoin maximalists have heroically overcome their hatred for Ethereum after receiving ERC20 shares in crypto exchange INX worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The staunch BTC loyalists, led by Blockstream CTO Samson Mow, have agreed to support a project built on Ethereum...
Jak se zbavit komárů? Pusťte jim pořádný post-hardcore nářez!
Jak se zbavit komárů? Pusťte jim pořádný post-hardcore nářez!
Pětiletý herní rekord ukončilo hořící zombie dítě
Neuvěřitelných pět let trval virtuální život populárního streamera Philzy v hardcore variantě hry Minecraft. Rekord ukončilo až podcenění souboje s řadovým nepřítelem v podobě hořícího zombie dítěte.Další články k tématu:Novou hvězdou Twitche je streamerka s Tourettovým syndromemKdo...
Make Gmail Cleaner with the Simplify Chrome Extension
Google Inbox is officially gone, and for many, it's a hard pill to swallow. Hardcore fans are desperate to try and fill the void that Inbox has left. Here's a piece of good news. The