
Nalezeno "tables": 32

Old CSS, new CSS

I love this post that walks through the development of CSS and HTML — it shows just how far web design has come and how much easier it is for us all now. Eevee looks at designing websites with tables, the Space Jam website, and how for centuries there was no way to easily inspect changes made to...

Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS

Here’s a fabulous CSS trick from Bradley Taunt in which he shows how to make tables work on mobile with just a little bit of extra code. He styles each table row into a card that looks something like this: See the Pen Responsive Tables #2.5: Flexbox by Bradley Taunt (@bradleytaunt) ...

Table with Expando Rows

"Expando Rows" is a concept where multiple related rows in a <table> are collapsed until you open them. You'd call that "progressive disclosure" in interaction design parlance. After all these years on CSS-Tricks, I have a little better eye for what the accessibility concerns of...

Position Sticky and Table Headers

You can't position: sticky; a <thead>. Nor a <tr>. But you can sticky a <th>, which means you can make sticky headers inside a regular ol' <table>. This is tricky stuff, because if you didn't know this weird quirk, it would be hard to blame you. It makes way more...

The Whole Spreadsheets as Databases Thing is Pretty Cool

A spreadsheet has always been a strong (if fairly literal) analogy for a database. A database has tables, which is like a single spreadsheet. Imagine a spreadsheet for tracking RSVPs for a wedding. Across the top, column titles like First Name, Last Name, Address, and Attending?. Those titles...

Table design patterns on the web

Chen Hui Jing has tackled a ton of design patterns for tables that might come in handy when creating tables that are easy to read and responsive for the web: There are a myriad of table design patterns out there, and which approach you pick depends heavily on the type of data you have and...

Google oznámil konec další služby. Tentokrát padl los na Fusion Tables

A máme tu další webovou službu Googlu, která příští rok skončí. Tentokrát je to Fusion Tables – tabulky pro extrémní data, které mohly pojmout i stovky tisíc řádků. Uživatelům služby nyní začíná chodit e-mail, ve kterém Google vysvětluje, že tabulky definitivně vypne 3. prosince 2019. Tedy za

Collective #416

Responsive tables, revisited * Screely * Working Type * backdrop-filter * Dumb React * A Strategy Guide To CSS Custom Properties Collective #416 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Responsive tables, revisited

Lea Verou with some extra super fancy CSS trickery. No way we could miss linking this one up! One of the problems with responsive table solutions, at least the ones where you are using CSS to rejigger things, is that there is duplicated content somewhere. Either in CSS or HTML. Lea finds two ways...

Vertically Centering with Flexbox

Vertically centering sibling child contents is a task we’ve long needed on the web but has always seemed way more difficult than it should be.  We initially used tables to accomplish the task, then moved on to CSS and JavaScript tricks because table layout was horribly inefficient —...

Choosing a Responsive Email Framework: MJML vs. Foundation for Emails

Implementing responsive email design can be a bit of a drag. Building responsive emails isn’t simple at all, it is like taking a time machine back to 2001 when we were all coding website layouts in tables using Dreamweaver and Fireworks. But there's hope! We have tools available that can make...

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