Break a forEach Loop with JavaScript
I’ve written a number of blog posts about JavaScript tricks: Promise tricks, type conversion tricks, spread tricks, and a host of other JavaScript tricks. I recently ran into another JavaScript trick that blew my mind: how to break a forEach loop. To break the forEach loop at any point,...
Sharpen Your JavaScript Skills with Pluralsight (Sponsored)
JavaScript recently turned 25 years old, and while it started by dominating over the client side world, this beautiful programming language is well on its way to taking over the server side. JavaScript isn’t just thriving — it’s evolving with new syntax features, patterns...
Knowing what input type you’ve received is hugely important in JavaScript, which is a big reason for Flow and TypeScript’s rise. One such case where it’s useful to know what an object represents is if the input is a string or a React element. To detect if an object is a React...
2020 Year in Review
Looking back on an entire year of one’s professional life is difficult, but when you consider everything that 2020 threw at us, where the hell do you even start? Forget just surviving the professional aspect of 2020, we all deserve a medal, both literally and figuratively, for surviving...
10 Amazing Media Tricks Made Possibly by Cloudinary (Sponsored)
Cloudinary is my go-to place for transforming and optimizing media before delivery. By simply modifying the URL of an image or video, you can customize its size, presentation, Instagram-like filtering, and various other aspects. I previously posted about the 10 excellent image tricks...
What I’m Thankful For: 2020
My parents loathe when I use poor language but luckily they don’t read this blog so I’ll just be blunt: 2020 has been an absolute shit show. COVID-19 has been a world-wide source of devastation to lives, jobs, and our quality of life. That said, I’ve found myself feeling...
Use a Submit Button Outside of !
Have you ever felt like you’ve been a professional developer or designer forever, and somehow not known something basic, and borderline hate yourself? That’s me with a trick that was introduced to me by Miguel Piedrafita: 🔥 You can submit forms from a button outside of the form...
Detect Generator Functions with JavaScript
In the current JavaScript climate of new syntaxes, features, and using loads of external libraries, it seems harder than ever to be sure what your functions are being given or even what the data represents. Of course, we’ve come up with Flow and TypeScript to help, but we can’t count...
Podívejte se na nádherné technologické demo od AMD plné ray tracingu a dalších vylepšení
Před pár dny AMD lákalo na nové technologické demo, ve kterém ukáže možnosti nových grafických karet řady Radeon RX 6000 s architekturou RDNA2. Nyní už je k dispozici kompletní demo, ve kterém je vidět hodně použitých technologií jak z DirectX 12 Ultimate, tak i balíku AMD FidelityFX.
Demo nese
git: Remove Untracked Files
I’ve always said that I know just enough about git to get the job done, but also do something destructive. Nothing embodies that more than my recent mistake. I somehow found a git repository full of untracked files and git stash wouldn’t fix it. Desperation led me to learning how...
AMD láká na chystané technologické demo „Hangar 21“ s ray tracingem
Nová generace desktopových grafických karet Radeon RX 6000 od AMD už podporuje ray tracing v reálném čase, pro který má k dispozici i specializované obvody (akcelerátory) v čipu. Aby AMD ukázalo, jak si vede v ray tracingu, láká na chystané ukázkové grafické demo.
Technologické demo má název
Shotguns, dragons, and Doctor Who: The Blockchain Game Alliance's Game Demo Day
The two-part Game Demo Day event highlighted the diversity and innovation in the blockchain gaming sector
Node isConnected
Every so often I discover a property in JavaScript objects that I didn’t know existed, oftentimes using another trick to accomplish the same functionality. One such property I just learned about was isConnected, a node property that attached to a context (i.e. document). Here’s how...
Limit Promise Concurrency with pool
Methods like Promise.all, Promise.allSettled, Promise.race, and the rest are really excellent for managing multiple Promises, allowing for our apps to embrace async and performance. There are times, however, that limiting the number of concurrent operations may be useful, like rate limiting...
Awesome Demos Roundup #18
A big selection of the best web experiments made in the past weeks.
The post Awesome Demos Roundup #18 appeared first on Codrops
How Hacker News Crushed David Walsh Blog
Earlier this month, David’s heartfelt posting about leaving Mozilla made the front page of Hacker News. Traffic increased by 800% to his already-busy website, which slowed and eventually failed under the pressure. Request Metrics monitors performance and uptime for David’s blog, and our metrics...
Detect Changed Files with git
There are numerous reasons to want to know which files have been added or modified in a git repository, one of which is your text editor highlighting those files. Another use case is running tasks against only files which are presently changed, like lint or other validation routines. So how can...
cookieStore: Async Cookie API
One pattern in the JavaScript API world that web development veterans will notice is that we’ve been creating new methods to accomplish what older, grosser APIs once achieved. XMLHttpRequest became the fetch API, some APIs like Battery became async, and there are dozens of other examples....
Podívejte se na nádherné javascriptové demo, které vyhrálo v soutěži kódů do 1 kB
Na celosvětové úrovni se stále pořádají programátorské soutěže, ve kterých je nutné s co nejmenším množstvím kódu vytvořit unikátní grafické či zvukové demo. Tentokrát se objevil velmi zajímavý kousek, který vyhrál v soutěži Assembly 2020 1kb.
Demo s názvem „Monospace“ od autora Mathieu 'p01'
How to Prevent Pasting into an Input
Every once in a while I get to a website that doesn’t allow me to paste into a form input. In most cases it’s something to do with login credentials (username and or password) and auth codes. So how are they preventing me from pasting information? It’s as easy as you’d...