
Nalezeno "email": 399

How to Use a Physical Security Key to Safeguard Your Exchange Account

If you are keeping funds on a cryptocurrency platform such as a centralized exchange it is highly advisable you make sure your accounts are as safe as possible. Using a physical security key can greatly help with this as well as safeguarding other private services such as email and cloud storage....

Naming things to improve accessibility

I like the this wrap-up statement from Hidde de Vries: In modern browsers, our markup becomes an accessibility tree that ultimately informs what our interface looks like to assistive technologies. It doesn’t matter as much whether you’ve written this markup: in a .html file in Twig, Handlebars...

Netlify Functions for Sending Emails

Let's say you're rocking a JAMstack-style site (no server-side languages in use), but you want to do something rather dynamic like send an email. Not a problem! That's the whole point of JAMstack. It's not just static hosting. It's that plus doing anything else you wanna do through JavaScript...

Awesome Automation and Integration with Buddy

One of my favorite services for years has been IFTTT (If this then that). Having a service that allows me to trigger a host of functionalities with one simple action is amazing! Posting a picture to Instagram can trigger IFTTT to send a tweet, post to Facebook, email to friends, etc. I’ve...

A Gutenburg-Powered Newsletter

I like Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor. I'm not oblivious to all the conversation around accessibility, UX, and readiness, but I know how hard it is to ship software and I'm glad WordPress got it out the door. Now it can evolve for the better. I see a lot of benefit to block-based editors. Some...

All About mailto: Links

You can make a garden variety anchor link (<a>) open up a new email. Let's take a little journey into this feature. It's pretty easy to use, but as with anything web, there are lots of things to consider. The basic functionality <a href="">Email...

Moving a Self-Hosted WordPress Site to

I have a habit of getting some hosting when I need a new WordPress site. That is, a self-installed, self-hosted site. That's served me well over the years. I like my control. But along with that control comes a certain level of extra responsibility that sometimes just isn't worth...

Using React and XState to Build a Sign In Form

To make a sign in form with good UX requires UI state management, meaning we’d like to minimize the cognitive load to complete it and reduce the number of required user actions while making an intuitive experience. Think about it: even a relatively simple email and password sign in form needs...

Create Smart WordPress Forms in Less Than 5 Minutes with WPForms

(This is a sponsored post.) Most online form solutions are either too complex or too expensive. We believe you shouldn't have to spend hours creating online forms for your business. That's why we built WPForms, a drag and drop WordPress form builder that's both EASY and POWERFUL. WPForms allows...

How to Use Google’s SMTP Server to Send Emails for Free

Google’s SMTP server is a free service that you can use to send emails from your custom domain, website, or web application. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.... The post How to Use Google’s SMTP Server to Send Emails for Free appeared first on Onextrapixel

Sometimes `sizes` is quite important.

Paraphrased question from email: I just read your article Responsive Images: If you’re just changing resolutions, use srcset. In the age of "responsive websites," srcset does not help in certain situations. For example, I have a popular products slider. On mobile, I have one image per slide where...

Random Day in the Life of a Developer

Yesterday, I started going through my email as soon as I got to work. I always start my day with email. I kinda like email. I read some interesting things in keeping up with the industry. I deal with some business things. I handle with some personal things. I make a note of the most important stuff... spustil Email Profi. Je zadarmo

Společnost spustila v úterý novou elektronickou poštovní schránku Email Profi. Jak již samotný název napovídá, cílí především na profesionály – tedy na živnostníky a drobné či střední podnikatele, kterým nabízí možnost mít exkluzivní e-mail určený k profesionální obchodní komunikaci, a...

Choosing a Responsive Email Framework: MJML vs. Foundation for Emails

Implementing responsive email design can be a bit of a drag. Building responsive emails isn’t simple at all, it is like taking a time machine back to 2001 when we were all coding website layouts in tables using Dreamweaver and Fireworks. But there's hope! We have tools available that can make...

Seznam Email má novou galerii, usnadní hledání fotek z dovolené

Seznam v březnu tohoto roku vypustil do světa novou verzi svého webového pošťáka. Aktualizace přinesla zjednodušené a vzdušnější rozhraní a třeba nové okno pro psaní zpráv. Nyní k tomu přibývá novinka v podobě samostatné stránky s výpisem doručených fotografií. Díky ní si budou moci uživatelé

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