Wakamai Fondue
Roel Nieskens released a tool that lets you upload a font file and see what’s inside, from how many characters it contains to the number of languages it supports. Here’s what you see once you upload a font, in this case Covik Sans Mono Black:
Why is this data useful? Well, I used this tool just...
CSS Blocks
A new entry into the CSS-in-JS landscape! Looks like the idea is that you write an individual CSS file for every component. You have to work in components, that's how the whole thing works. In the same isle as styled-components, css-modules, and glamorous.
Then you write :scope { } which is...
Reset File Changes with git
There are many different philosophies when it comes to code review but mine is fairly simple: I like receiving early “work in progress” patches, I like to be positive in my code review messages, and if a patch is 90% there, I like to finish the patch myself so the project...
[článek] Apple HomePod není žádný hit, řečnění na ISSS, nový modul pro Turris MOX
[3 minuty čtení] Windows File Manager jako open source. Prodeje PC jsou stabilní. Uber začne provozovat bike sharing. Český výrobce náplní do 3D tiskáren jde na burzu. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě. Vždy v pátek připravuje reportér Jan Sedlák výběr zajímavých zpráv ze světa velkých IT firem....