
Nalezeno "JavaScript": 807

Let Mavo Shine in Building Interactive Web Applications

As you could guess from the title, this tutorial is dedicated to Mavo: a new, approachable way to create complex, reactive, persistent web applications just by writing HTML and CSS, without a single line of JavaScript and no server backend. 🐇 Follow the white rabbit! Mavo is developed...

Collective #538

How Does the Development Mode Work? * Photoronoi * Adblocking: How About Nah? * Scope in JavaScript - HTTP 203 Collective #538 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

then on Objects

Promises were a revelation in JavaScript development, allowing us to enjoy async processing and avoid callback hell. Many new APIs like Battery API, Cache API, and others use the promise API. One fact you may not know is that you can add a then method to any object to make it Promise-like!...

A More Accessible Portals Demo

The point of the <portal> element (behind a flag in Chrome Canary) is that you can preload another whole page (like <iframe>), but then have APIs to animate it to the current page. So "Single Page App"-like functionality (SPA), but natively. I think that's pretty cool. I'm a fan...

Run useEffect Only Once

React has a built-in hook called useEffect. Hooks are used in function components. The Class component comparison to useEffect are the methods componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount. useEffect will run when the component renders, which might be more times than you think....

Collective #536

Ciao * Building Beautiful UIs * Poolside FM * Livewire * Liquidfun * Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript Collective #536 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Optional Chaining

For all of the improvements that the JavaScript language has added over the past few years, like the spread operator, default argument values, and arrow functions, there are still a few features I’d love to see implemented. On such feature is optional chaining. Optional chaining allows...

JavaScript Proxy with Storage

The JavaScript Proxy API provides a wealth of “magic” within JavaScript, allowing you to use any object as sort of an alias that allows a wall of validation, formatting, and error throwing. Did you know that you could also employ the Proxy API as an abstraction to different types...


David DeSandro has loads of super cool JavaScript libraries he's created over the years. His latest is Zdog, a "round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG." It's only been about a month since he dropped it (although, like any good library, it's been simmering) and it...

Multi-Line Truncation with Pure CSS

Truncating a single line of text if is fairly straightforward. Truncating multiple lines is a bit harder. Using just CSS (no JavaScript or server-side dancing) is nice for the simplicity. It's gotten a little easier lately since Firefox (since version 68) has started supporting the ultra-bizarre...

A Peek at New Methods Coming to Promises

Promises are one of the most celebrated features introduced to JavaScript. Having a native asynchronous artifact baked right into the language has opened up a new era, changing not only how we write code but also setting up the base for other freat APIs — like fetch! Let's step back a moment...

Finally… A Post on Finally in Promises

“When does finally fire in a JavaScript promise?” This is a question I was asked in a recent workshop and I thought I’d write up a little post to clear up any confusion. The answer is, to quote Snape: ...always. The basic structure is like this: try { // I’ll try to execute some code...

Detect Cryptocurrency by Wallet Address

I’ve always been a massive advocate of cryptocurrency. I love the technology, the ease of use, and the freedom that cryptocurrencies bring to the world. Despite my love of crypto, I know that adoption will take a long time and that the state of crypto is not friendly to new adopters. One scary part...

Types or Tests: Why Not Both?

Every now and then, a debate flares up about the value of typed JavaScript. "Just write more tests!" yell some opponents. "Replace unit tests with types!" scream others. Both are right in some ways, and wrong in others. Twitter affords little room for nuance. But in the space of this article we...

The Many Ways to Include CSS in JavaScript Applications

Welcome to an incredibly controversial topic in the land of front-end development! I’m sure that a majority of you reading this have encountered your fair share of #hotdrama surrounding how CSS should be handled within a JavaScript application. I want to preface this post with a disclaimer: There...

React Starter: How does JSX make HTML elements?

JSX makes making React components easier. Some may find JSX to have a high learning curve and that's totally understandable. It's not exactly HTML and it's not exactly JavaScript, so it can take so

Exploring Sets and Maps in JavaScript

Let’s take a look into two new constructs that were introduced in the JavaScript ES6 specification: Set - The Set object allows you to store unique values of any type

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