
Nalezeno "model": 755

Kolik váží vesmír: Bude nutné přehodnotit standardní kosmologický model?

Nesmírně rozlehlý kosmos nás zcela obklopuje. Navzdory usilovnému bádání o něm však spoustu základních věcí stále nevíme, nebo jsou naše poznatky navzájem v rozporu. Například není jasné, jaký je jeho tvar. Netušíme, jestli má někde hranice. A také přesně nevíme, jak je hustý nebo kolik váží…

Apparently Tesla Cars Have Enough Graphical Horsepower To Play Cyberpunk 2077

You shouldn’t take a call while driving, you shouldn’t text while driving, and you certainly shouldn’t game while driving. And yet, that’s exactly what you might be able to do with the Tesla Models X and S. As spotted by The Gamer, bazillionaire Tesla CEO and failed Deus Ex cosplayer Elon Musk...

Lady Dimitrescu's Actor & Model Cosplaying As Lady Dimitrescu

Look I know we’ve already seen some incredible Lady Dimitrescu cosplay, but I figured it was worth seeing some more today given the fact the ladies in the dress here are the actors Capcom used to bring the character to life.Read more

LavaSwap’s Upgraded Economic Model is Here

LavaSwap is coming up with its new economic model by upgrading its DEX platform. In addition, the platform is planning to introduce the line of strategic investors helping to change the mining problem and other issues that will maximize the benefits of LAVA. LAVA is an interoperable decentralized...

Twitch Begins Adjusting Sub Prices Based On Where Viewers Live

While the USD 4.99 per month cost of a Tier 1 Twitch subscription works fine here in the States, five bucks can be a much larger hit on one’s wallet in other countries. Starting this week with Mexico and Turkey, Twitch will begin adjusting subscription costs to better align with the local cost...

Bank of Israel Drafts Model of a Digital Shekel

The central bank of Israel has offered a glance at what a digitalized version of the national fiat currency may look like. According to a released “draft model” of the coin, Israelis should be able to use the digital shekel in payments, even offline, and convert it to cash at...

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