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You're faced with a lot of decisions in everyday work. There are multiple tasks calling for your focus, and you can burn daylight or even burn out trying to decide what comes first. There's a phenomenon called decision fatigue. There have been many studies that you can make poor choices when you're...

What Does it Mean to Be “Full Stack”?

I was asked this recently by a fellow developer who was at the same web tech conference I was at. This developer had met a lot of new people who literally introduced themselves as full-stack developers sort of the way Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration would on The Office, but it was Tony Frank...

Latest Hack Sparks Concern Whatsapp Will Never Be Secure

Facebook’s popular messaging app with 1.5 billion users in over 180 countries has another major vulnerability. Hackers were able to covertly install spyware on iOS and Android smartphones using Whatsapp with just a phone call. “All of their security issues are conveniently suitable...

Shopping at Major Retailers With Crypto Just Got a Whole Lot Easier

A bunch of high-profile retailers now can accept payments in crypto, thanks to a new partnership, and a new mobile app that spawned from that partnership. The likes of Barns & Noble, Baskin Robbins, GameStop, Nordstrom, Regal and Whole Foods, together with many others, have decided to reconfigure...

Change Color of SVG on Hover

There are a lot of different ways to use SVG. Depending on which way, the tactic for recoloring that SVG in different states or conditions — :hover, :active, :focus, class name change, etc. — is different. Let's look at the ways. Inline SVG Inline SVG is my favorite way to use...

Markets Update: Crypto Bulls Outpace Stocks and Gold

Cryptocurrency markets have been doing extremely well over the last 48 hours, making a lot of prior skeptics think the bearish crypto winter may have ended. Since our last markets update three days ago, the entire cryptoconomy has gained close to $33 billion in value and trading sessions over...

SLP-Based Token ACD to Gain Traction With Acceptance at Thousands of Shops

The Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) has garnered a lot of attention over the last few months as there’s been a wide variety of tokens created on top of the Bitcoin Cash network. On May 10, the Tokyo-based Alliance Cargo Direct revealed the SLP-minted token ACD and bitcoin cash will be accepted...

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons!

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons Let’s have a look at how we can create a row of links that sorta run into each other with a chevron-like shape and notch on each block like you might see in a hierarchical breadcrumb navigation. You’ve probably seen this pattern a lot....

Moving from Gulp to Parcel

Ben Frain just made some notes about the switch from Gulp to Parcel, a relatively new "web application bundler" which, from a quick look at things, is similar to webpack but without all the hassle of setting things up. One of the things I’ve always disliked about webpack is that you kinda have...

Who Are Design Systems For?

Specific design systems, I mean. Design systems, as a concept, are something just about any site can benefit from. A lot of hype goes into design systems these days. Just the other day, an organization's published their design system publicly and I got a slew of DMs, emails, and Slack messages...

Native Lazy Loading

IntersectionObserver has made lazy loading a lot easier and more efficient than it used to be, but to do it really right you still gotta remove the src and such, which is cumbersome. It's definitely not as easy as: <img src="celebration.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="..." /> Addy Osmani says...

What Are Design Tokens?

I’ve been hearing a lot about design tokens lately, and although I’ve never had to work on a project that’s needed them, I think they’re super interesting and worth jotting down a few notes about. As I understand it, the general idea is this: design tokens are an agnostic way to store variables...

Form Validation in Under an Hour with Vuelidate

Form validation has a reputation for being tricky to implement. In this tutorial, we’ll break things down to alleviate some of that pain. Creating nice abstractions for forms is something that Vue.js excels at and Vuelidate is personally my favorite option for validations because it doesn't require...

Who has the fastest website in F1?

Jake Archibald looks at the websites of Formula One race teams and rates their performance, carefully examining their images and digging into the waterfall of assets for each site: Trying to use a site while on poor connectivity is massively frustrating, so anything sites can do to make it less...

A Gutenburg-Powered Newsletter

I like Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor. I'm not oblivious to all the conversation around accessibility, UX, and readiness, but I know how hard it is to ship software and I'm glad WordPress got it out the door. Now it can evolve for the better. I see a lot of benefit to block-based editors. Some...

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