Scroll to the Future
This is an interesting read on the current state of scrollbars and how to control their behavior across operating systems and browsers. The post also highlights a bunch of stuff I didn’t know about, like Element.scrollIntoView() and the scroll-behavior CSS property.
My favorite part of all though?...
Collective #407
Scroll to the future * Front-End Developer Handbook 2018 * Mustard UI * VuePress * Remote Browser * Length.js * Dot Tentacles
Collective #407 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
The Dark Side of Promises
Since the release of es6 many new features have found their way into NodeJS, but non had quite the same impact as promises. Promises have been developed for the browser before es6 was even a thing. There were several implementations that have been used like jQuery’s deferred object before...
Destructuring and Function Arguments
The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values. Even if your browser doesn’t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...
Puffin Browser slibující „superrychlé načítání“ je už i na Windows
Puffin Browser se na Androidu a iOS proslavil mimo jiné jako webový prohlížeč, který zrychlí načítání stránek. Pomáhají mu v tom speciální servery, které přechroustají a optimalizují obsah, než dorazí k vám do počítače.
No mobilu, zvláště Androidu, však tato funkce není nikterak ojedinělá,
Tablet pomůže s bezpečným surfováním i upozorní na chybu v Bluetooth
Z nových a zajímavých aplikací pro tablety s Androidem jsme tentokrát vybrali například šikovného pomocníka na zaznamenávání poznámek, nástroj na prodloužení výdrže mobilních zařízení na akumulátor nebo internetový prohlížeč, který spolehlivě ohlídá vaši historii navštívených stránek i seznam...
HTML Developers: Please Consider
ARIA is an amazing technology, it allows developers to add meaning to meaningless HTML or override meaning on HTML that is being repurposed and sometimes misused, so that users who rely upon the meaning of HTML, as implemented in browsers, can understand and interact with HTML User Interfaces...
HTML Developers: Please Consider
ARIA is an amazing technology, it allows developers to add meaning to meaningless HTML or override meaning on HTML that is being repurposed and sometimes misused, so that users who rely upon the meaning of HTML, as implemented in browsers, can understand and interact with HTML User Interfaces...
The ride to 5
Forwards In recent weeks I contacted around 40 people, a cross section of those who have banged away at, or banged on about, HTML5. I asked them for their perspectives on HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Below are the words of the 28 people who responded, pretty much in the order they hit...
The ride to 5
Forwards In recent weeks I contacted around 40 people, a cross section of those who have banged away at, or banged on about, HTML5. I asked them for their perspectives on HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Below are the words of the 28 people who responded, pretty much in the order they hit...
The W3C App Manifest specification
By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.)...
The W3C App Manifest specification
By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.)...
Responsive images – end of year report
It’s nearly two years since I suggested a <picture> element as a strawman proposal as a way to solve the problem of responsive images, so let’s have a look at how we’re doing.Related Posts:The woes of date inputHTML Developers: Please ConsiderOn HTML belts and ARIA braces (The Default...
Responsive images – end of year report
It’s nearly two years since I suggested a <picture> element as a strawman proposal as a way to solve the problem of responsive images, so let’s have a look at how we’re doing